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Tam subitae mortis causam, Faustine, requiris? In somnis medicum viderat Hermocratem:" Dost thou ask, Faustinus, the cause of this so sudden death? In his dreams he had seen the physician Hermocrates." upon which I will relate two stories. The Baron de Caupene in Chalosse and I have betwixt us the advowson of a benefice of great extent, at the foot of our mountains, called Lahontan.

Gillespie has sent me an excellent consilium medicum, all solid practical experimental knowledge. Heberden and Dr. I have just begun to take vinegar of squills. The powder hurt my stomach so much, that it could not be continued. 'Return Sir Alexander Dick my sincere thanks for his kind letter; and bring with you the rhubarb which he so tenderly offers me. 'I hope dear Mrs.

Further, when he said that 'the whole need not a physician' Jesus declared that the Jews were whole, the publicans sick. Publicanum adlectum a domino ... dicendo, medicum sanis non esse necessarium sed male habentibus...

Declaration sent by his Majesty's command to the commanders of his Majesty's fleets and armies employed against France and to his Majesty's ministers employed at foreign courts. Whitehall, Oct. 29, 1793 "Ut lethargicus hic, cum fit pugil, et medicum urget." See the Declaration. See Declaration, Whitehall, October 29, 1793.

"So please your lordship," replied the leech, with a conscious self-importance, which even the presence of the Constable could not subdue "Curatio est canonica, non coacta; which signifieth, my lord, that the physician acteth his cure by rules of art and science by advice and prescription, but not by force or violence upon the patient, who cannot be at all benefited unless he be voluntarily amenable to the orders of his medicum."

For further information on this subject, the reader is referred to the Tentamen Medicum of Dr. Jeffray, printed at Edinburgh in 1786. And it is hoped that Dr. French will some time give his theses on this subject to the public. Felix, qui causas alt

Although, surpris'd with joy, we become as lost in the performance; when gladness and admiration strikes us silent, as we look back upon the precipiece of our late condition, and those miraculous deliverances beyond expression. What shall we do with these men? saith he; Aeger intemperans crudelem facit medicum, et immedicabile vulmis ense recidendum.

Thomas Warton's very able Inquiry appeared about three months afterwards; and Mr. Pr. and Med. p. 207. He addressed to him an Ode in Latin, entitled Ad Thomam Laurence, medicum doctissimum, quum filium peregre agentem desiderio nimis tristi prosequeretur. Works, i. 165. Mr. Holder, in the Strand, Dr. Johnson's apothecary. 'Johnson should rather have written "imperatum est."

In the same year he published the book which, in forming a judgment of him as a man and a writer, is perhaps as valuable as the De Vita Propria and the De Utilitate, to wit the De Libriis Propriis. This work exists in three forms: the first, a short treatise, "cui titulus est ephemerus," is dedicated to "Hieronymum Cardanum medicum, affinem suum," and has the date of 1543.