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The rivals now were but rival nurses; and never did a lot of women make more fuss over a child than all these bloodthirsty men did over this Amazon manquée. They produced their legendary lore.

An all but absolute brotherhood in thought and style and tone and feeling unites the quasi-tragedy of Troilus and Cressida with what in the lamentable default of as apt a phrase in English I must call by its proper designation in French the tragedie manquee of Measure for Measure.

"He has informed me of the state of affairs, and written me a nice note, yes, a nice note," continued the old gentleman; "and I find he has had an increase to his fortune, yes; and, all things considered, I don't much regret that this affair with Miss Amory is manquee, though I wished for it once, in fact, all things considered, I am very glad of it."

Mes compatriotes meme ne sont pas si fous! Je ne suis pas content de moi J'aurais du faire le saut J'aurais sauve la vie a man rival! Voila une belle occasion manquee, et beaucoup de gloire a jamais perdue pour moi! Madam, I am a native of Provence, and they tell me I am a little crazy: but these Englishmen are in a confounded hurry to come to the proof! My own countrymen are less lunatic!

Yes, it was she, the whilom dugazon of the opera troupe. Not that she ever was a dugazon, but that was what her voice once aspired to be: a dugazon manquée would better describe her. What a ghost! But they always appeared like mere evaporations of real women.

'Are you quite fair towards Ursula? the aunt ventured to say when the girl had gone to dress for walking down with her to the Rectory. 'It is hard on her, and not good for the boy to upset her authority. 'Eh? Why, the girl is just a governess manquee, imbued with the spirit of all those old women who bred her up. A nice life the poor child would have of it, but for me.

"He has informed me of the state of affairs, and written me a nice note yes, a nice note," continued the old gentleman; "and I find he has had an increase to his fortune yes; and all things considered, I don't much regret that this affair with Miss Amory is manquee, though I wished for it once in fact, all things considered, I am very glad of it."

Mademoiselle Felicie could no ways understand a lady well born not wearing that which distinguished her above the common; and if she was ever to wear jewels, the ball-room was surely the proper place. And the sapphire necklace would look a ravir with her lady's dress, which, indeed, without it, would have no effect; would be quite mesquine and manquee.