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Mac-Guffog, when they entered the courtyard, suffered Bertram to pause for a minute and look upon his companions in affliction.

The room immediately below the condemned ward, being that of Glossin, was, of course, empty; but the inmates of the second apartment beneath felt the shock of Glossin's heavy fall, and heard a noise as of struggling and of groans. But all sounds of horror were too congenial to this place to excite much curiosity or interest. In the morning, faithful to his promise, Mac-Guffog came. 'Mr.

It was, therefore, with great pleasure that, on his return to his house from Kippletringan, he heard his servants announce hastily, 'that Mac-Guffog, the thief-taker, and twa or three concurrents, had a man in hands in the kitchen waiting for his honour. He instantly jumped from horseback, and hastened into the house.

He said softly to Glossin, 'Slip your shoes off and follow me. When Glossin was out of the door, Mac-Guffog, as if in the execution of his ordinary duty, and speaking to a prisoner within, called aloud, 'Good-night to you, sir, and locked the door, clattering the bolts with much ostentatious noise.

'Why then, sir, to speak to your feelings, said Bertram, 'I shall be willing to make you a handsome compliment for this indulgence. 'Ay, but when, Captain? when and how? that's the question, or rather the twa questions, said the jailor. 'When I am delivered, and get my remittances from England, answered the prisoner. Mac-Guffog shook his head incredulously.

His coarse and savage features were still flushed, and his eye still reeled under the influence of the strong potation which had proved the immediate cause of his seizure. But the sleep, though short, which Mac-Guffog had allowed him, and still more a sense of the peril of his situation, had restored to him the full use of his faculties.

"Ay, ay," answered Glossin, "and now I must call in the men." He did so, accordingly. "I can make nothing of Captain Janson, as he calls himself, Mac-Guffog, and it's now too late to bundle him off to the county jail. Is there not a strong room up yonder in the old castle?" "Ay is there, sir; my uncle the constable ance kept a man there for three days in auld Ellangowan's time.

Mac-Guffog, the officer by whom Bertram had at first been apprehended, and who was now in attendance upon him, was keeper of this palace of little-ease. He caused the carriage to be drawn close up to the outer gate, and got out himself to summon the warders.

When the hour of ten had pealed from the neighbouring steeple Mac-Guffog came prepared with a small dark lantern.

Mac-Guffog, when they entered the courtyard, suffered Bertram to pause for a minute, and look upon his companions in affliction.