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Charlevoix says: "Il a ete forme du terme Hiro, ou Hero, qui signifie J'ai dit, et par lequel ces sauvages finissent tous leur discours, comme les Latins faisoient autrefois par leur Dixi; et de Koue, qui est un cri tantot de tristesse, lorsqu'on le prononce en trainant, et tantot de joye, quand on le prononce plus court." Hist. de la N. F., I. 271.

The period from 220 to 265 about a half-cycle, you will note, from 196 and the beginning of the Chien-An time, or the end of the main Han Cycle, is known as that of the San Koue or Three Kingdoms: its annals read like Froissart, they say; gay with raidings, excursions, and alarms. It was the riot of life disorganized in the corpse, when organized life had gone.

From his shelf he cast a painted stick after us, which came hurtling down and landed in the water. And he screamed as he heard us threshing over the shallows: "Koue! Askennon eskatoniot!"

And she waved her small cap of silver fox, calling in a clear, sweet voice the Indian cry of triumph, "Kôue!" For the first half-mile our road lay over that same golden, hilly country, and through the same splendid forests which I had traversed on my way to the manor.

I sprang to my feet, horror-struck; the savage folded his arms, quietly smiling; and I saw knife and hatchet resting in his belt and a long rifle on the moss at his feet. "Kôue! That was a true tale," he said, in good English. "It is a miracle that one among you sings the truth concerning us poor Mohawks." "Do you come in peace?" I asked, almost stunned. He made a gesture.

I can outread you, sign for sign, track for track, trail in and trail out! Our hands are for our rifles! She laughed, challenging me with eye and lip. Koue! We were laughing now, yet I knew she had spoken seriously, and to plague her I said: "You boast like a Seminole chanting the war-song." "I dare you to cast the hatchet!" she cried, reddening.

But now you shall admit that in this frowsy, woollen gown the magic of both Cinderella and the Princess vanishes with yesterday's enchantment, and, instead of Chloe, pink and simpering, only a sturdy comrade stands revealed who now, as guerdon for the future, strikes hands with you like this! Koue!"

"I am Roya-neh!" said the Grey-Feather. "What wisdom counsels I understand, He who would wear the scaly girdle must first know where the fangs lie buried.... But to hear the Antouhonoran scalp-yelp, and to turn one's back, is very hard, O my friend, Loskiel." The Night-Hawk controlled his youthful features, forcing a merry smile as my eye fell on him. "Koue!" he exclaimed softly.