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Well, if it's to be akovo, I kaum it'll be a booti cheirus a-wellin. Tacho! And I said to them, "Ladies, I beg your pardon; I did not know you were here." But one among the rest said to me very kindly, "No matter, don't trouble yourself; we just came down here from the house to take a little bath." So it means, "when you see ladies like that, you will die happily."

Es ist ein patriotischer Britte der spricht, der die Handlungen des Feindes nicht wohl mit günstigen Augen ansehen kann, der als ein rechtlicher Staatsbürger zugleich mit den Unternehmungen der Politik auch die Forderungen der Sittlichkeit befriedigt wünscht, der den Gegner, im frechen Laufe des Glücks, mit unseligen Folgen bedroht, und auch im bittersten Verfall ihn kaum bedauern kann.

They sweep the country in Kaum or Commandos , numbering from twenty to two hundred troopers, armed with assegai, dagger, and shield, and carrying a water skin and dried meat for a three days' ride, sufficient to scour the length of the low land.

He was a kushti rye and his rani was as good as the rye. There was a waver mush a playin, an' mandy penned: "Pen the kosh paulier, hatch 'em odoi, don't well adoorer or he'll lel saw the covvos! Chiv 'em pauli!" A chi rakkered the ryes an' got fifteen cullos from yeck. And no moro the divvus from your kaum pal, THE WATER VILLAGE, Dec. 16, 1871.

and compare with its flute-like and treble quality the breadth, depth, and volume of the German in this inimitable stanza of Goethe's: Ueber alien Gipfeln Ist Ruh, In allen Wipfeln Spürest du Kaum einen Hauch; Die Vögelein schweigen im Walde. Warte nur, balde Ruhest du auch.

Wishing to have the exact words and views of a real Rommany on this subject, I made inquiry, and noted down his reply, which was literally as follows: "Avali; when Rommany chals or juvos are mullos, their pals don't kaum to shoon their navs pauli it kairs 'em too bongo so they're purabend to waver navs. Saw don't kair it kek but posh do, kenna.

Then he says merely that they "kaum 6 Stunden gefahren sind," which may mean that the time actually spent in motion did not exceed the number of hours indicated, whatever that may be; and not that the journey itself, "including stoppages," took up no more.

When the pastures are exhausted and the monsoon sets in, the Bedouins return to their cool mountains; like the Iliyat of Persia, they have their regular Kishlakh and Yaylakh. "Kaum" is the Arabic, "All" the Somali, term for these raids. Amongst the old Egyptians the ostrich feather was the symbol of truth.

In the first place, I believe it will be allowed by those familiar with German idioms, that the phrase kaum 6 Stunden, is not to be rendered as though it meant no more or less than 6; but rather thus: "but little more than 6;" the "little more," in this indefinite form of expression, being a very uncertain quantity, it may be an hour or so.

Hugh set his teeth. The ice broke in a great piece and tilted heavily against him. It was over one shoulder. "Call," said the other self, sharply, again, "or you will be under the ice." And up to the quiet heaven rose once and again a hoarse, wild cry of human agony and despair. Ueber allen Gipfeln Ist Ruh; In allen Wipfeln Spürest Du Kaum einen Hauch; Die Vögelein schweigen im Walde.