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"All the necessary arrangements have now been made with regard to your workshop at Tilbury. It is situated on the marshes close to the river, three miles east of the town and a mile to the west of Cunnock Creek. You can reach it either by the main road which runs half a mile inland, or by walking along the saltings under the sea-wall.

Cut off from them he languished as a lover of the sea can droop inland, or a mountaineer may pine in the flat monotony of the plains. This she could understand, in a fashion at least, and make allowances for. She had yielded gently, even sweetly, to his choice of their English home; for in the little island there is nothing that suggests the woods of wilder countries so nearly as the New Forest.

There appeared to him not the rolling undulations of the black-topped forest, not the tossing surface of the inland sea, nor the white-pebbled beach laved by its pulsing waters. He saw instead a white and dusty road, lined by green English hedge-rows.

Protected from childhood by the family of La Tour, she had grown an autocrat, and bent to nobody except her lady. "Where is my clavier?" exclaimed Le Rossignol. "I heard a tune in the woods which I must get out of my clavier, a green tune, the color of quickening lichens; a dropping tune with sap in it; a tune like the wind across inland lakes."

His beasts are fit to journey to Tindouf in the country of the Draa, so fine is their condition; their saddles and accoutrements would delight the Sultan's own ministers. By Allah, the inland journey will be a picnic! Quite gravely, I have professed to believe all he says, and my reservations, though many, are all mental.

Hither the inhabitants of the inland parts come to be supplied with what they cannot make for themselves: Hither the young nymphs of the mountains and valleys are sent for education, and as far as my observation has reached, are not sent in vain. Inverness was the last place which had a regular communication by high roads with the southern counties.

Travels in the inland parts of Africa, to which is added, Captain Stubbs's Voyage up the Gambia, in 1723. By Francis Moore, 1758. 4to. 1742. 8vo. This is a valuable work, and introduces the reader to many parts and tribes of Africa, which even yet are little known, partly drawn from the accounts of an African prince who came to England.

The soil was very fertile, the vegetation luxuriant; and the mango swamps a little way inland drained into a basin or lake which provided an unlimited water supply. Columbus therefore set about establishing a little town, to which he gave the name of Isabella.

A few years later he published in London a 4to. tract entitled 'A Full Discovery of the First Presbyterian Sham Plot, which most probably contained a vindication of his conduct. Yarranton was no sooner at liberty than we find him again occupied with his plans of improved inland navigation.

I, with a few others, had the good fortune to be washed ashore clinging to pieces of the wreck, for the storm had driven us near an island, and scrambling up beyond the reach of the waves we threw ourselves down quite exhausted, to wait for morning. At daylight we wandered inland, and soon saw some huts, to which we directed our steps.