United States or Greenland ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The numerous tribes of warlike Indians, inhabiting those immense tracts which lie between the then cultivated country and the Mississippi, had been taught, by arms and by justice, to respect the United States, and to continue in peace.

There is scarcely a professional trapper in the land who has not, in his day, been hoodwinked by the wily strategy of this sly creature, whose extreme cunning renders him the most difficult of all animals to trap. The fox belongs to the Dog family, and there are six varieties inhabiting the United States. The red species is the most common and is too well known to need a description here.

We will now give a short account of the different kinds of monkeys inhabiting each of the tropical continents. Africa possesses two of the great man-like apes the gorilla and the chimpanzee, the former being the largest ape known, and the one which, on the whole, perhaps most resembles man, though its countenance is less human than that of the chimpanzee.

For, as the species of organic beings contemporaneously inhabiting remote regions are distinct, the fossils of the first of several periods which may be preserved in any one country, as in America for example, will have no connection with those of a second period found in India, and will therefore no more enable us to trace the signs of a gradual change in the living creation, than a fragment of Chinese history will fill up a blank in the political annals of Europe.

Jeanie was thus in the unwonted situation of inhabiting a lonely house, and she felt yet more solitary from the death of the good old man who used to divide her cares with her husband. Her children were her principal resource, and to them she paid constant attention.

It was formerly much traversed by the natives inhabiting the abandoned village of Cha-thl, on its north shore, near the west coast entrance, and also by the Gold Harbour people before their removal to Maud Island. There are several hundred acres of grazing lands on the sides and tops of the mountains lying to the southward. Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

But how can I turn my back on an old friend?" "That's just what surprises me," Phoebe answered. "I don't understand such a person being a friend of yours." Always ready with the necessary lie, whenever the occasion called for it, Jervy invented a pathetic little story, in two short parts. First part: Mrs. Sowler, rich and respected; a widow inhabiting a villa-residence, and riding in her carriage.

And, in like manner, Forbes suggested that, after the glacial epoch, the northern animals then inhabiting the sea became restricted to the deeps in which they could hold their own against invaders from the south, better fitted than they to flourish in the warmer waters of the shallows. Thus depth in the sea corresponded in its effect upon distribution to height on the land.

After these came the Salluvians, who fix themselves near the ancient canton of the Ligurians called Lævi, inhabiting the banks of the Ticinus.

In 1494 it was enacted that "It shall be lawful to every sheriff of the counties of Southampton, Surrey., and Sussex, to impanel and summons twenty-four lawful men of such, inhabiting within the precinct of his or their turns, as owe suit, to the same turn, whereof every one hath lands or freehold to the yearly value of ten shillings, or copyhold lands to the yearly value of thirteen shillings four pence, above all charges within any of the said counties, or men of less livelihood, if there be not so many there, not withstanding the statute of 1 Richard III., ch. 4.