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There is no need, however, to accept these principles as incontrovertible.

As has been stated, the polar snows of Mars prove in an incontrovertible manner that this planet, like the earth, is surrounded by an atmosphere capable of transporting vapor, from one place to another. These snows are, in fact, precipitations of vapor, condensed by the cold, and carried with it successively. How carried with it if not by atmospheric movement?

I determined to see the place without delay: and walking on, in what I presumed to be the right direction, at last found myself before a spacious and splendid pile of sculptured brown stone; and entering the porch, perceived from incontrovertible tokens that it must be the Custom-house.

"Well, scoundrel!" he cried; "are you still bold enough to deny it?" Pascal had no desire to deny it. He knew that words would weigh as nothing against this material, tangible, incontrovertible proof. Forty-seven cards had been fraudulently inserted among the others. Certainly not by him! But by whom? Still he, alone, had been the gainer through the deception.

No ground, however, inconsistent with this expectation has yet been taken, and I do not allow myself to doubt that justice will soon be done us. The amount of the claims, the length of time they have remained unsatisfied, and their incontrovertible justice make an earnest prosecution of them by this Government an urgent duty.

Eunice, the child, was incontrovertible proof of that no more than an additional lever for her to swing. His face darkened, and he moved his shoulder impatiently, as if to throw off a burden grown unendurable. But it was fastened immovably his responsibility was as baldly apparent as the February noon, its greyness now blotted by a wind-driven, metallic shift of snow.

The remaining chance for such a woman, so to speak, seems that she should either fall in love with a worthy man, if that be still possible to her, or, by her own conduct, be brought into dismal and incontrovertible disgrace. She had stood in the hall within a few yards of Dorothy, and had intently watched her face all the time Richard was before the marquis.

These facts are incontrovertible and I have brought many of my colleagues to see the truth of them. More than this, I have brought many even of my older colleagues who had a life-time of wrong mental habits to impede them, to realize the truth of my teachings. "The work of a teacher should speak for itself.

Two facts are incontrovertible: that Flinders had discovered and charted the whole of the south coast of Australia from Fowler Bay to Encounter Bay except the south of Kangaroo Island, which is represented by a dotted line on his charts before he met Le Geographe on April 8, 1802; and that the French officers knew that he had done so.

Under the incontrovertible facts of the case it is difficult to see how this conclusion can be avoided.