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The same belief is held in France, Ireland, and Scotland, in Scandinavia, and Hungary, as well as in Asia Minor, in Japan, China, and Burn lap; in Java, and amongst the people of the Bahama Islands, as amongst the negroes of the Soudan or those of the west coast of Africa, who look upon these stones as bolts launched from Heaven by Sango, the god of thunder; amongst the ancient inhabitants of Nicaragua as well as the Malays, who, however, still make similar implements.

"Off of you." "I got 'em to sell. When you got to have the money?" "Two weeks to-morrow." This was the day after the town meeting. "Come in and pick out your implements," said Scattergood. "Meanin' you'll indorse?" "Meanin' that pervidin' nothin' unforeseen comes up between now and then."

It was true that Perry might do much with the contents of the prospector, or iron mole, in which I had brought down the implements of outer-world civilization; but Perry was a man of peace. He could never weld the warring factions of the disrupted federation. He could never win new tribes to the empire.

"I want a man who is popular with the people, and you have hundreds of friends. If if you accept I'd like for you to remain here in Atlanta for a week at least, to help me buy some implements and supplies." "If I accept if!" Drake laughed at the sheer absurdity of the word. "Do I look like a fool?

There were stone seats within the chimney; and ordinary utensils, mixed with fishing-spears, nets, and similar implements of sport, were hung around the walls of the place. The female who had first appeared at the door, had now retreated into a side apartment.

Their implements hardly differ from those of palaeolithic man, and some of their tribes do not yet know fishing: they simply spear the fish with a kind of harpoon. They know the use of iron, but they receive it from the Europeans, or find it on wrecked ships.

It was frivolity and folly, it was puerility, to spend valuable hours pottering over the vain implements of an art he had relinquished; and a certain shame that he had felt in presenting his plea to Julia that Sunday night arose from the sense not of what he clung to, but of what he had given up. He had turned his back on serious work, so that pottering was now all he could aspire to.

"Here comes somebody on the wharf," declared Arnold with a hand on Rowdy's collar. "Wonder who it is now?" "That's the watchman," said Harrison. "He's got the shovels." As the watchman delivered the implements to the Marshal he was requested to keep an eye on the Fortuna. This he promised to do.

It may be said that the life of clothes in wear and implements in use is no true life, inasmuch as it differs from flesh and blood life in too many and important respects; that we have made up our minds about not letting life outside the body too decisively to allow the question to be reopened; that if this be tolerated we shall have societies for the prevention of cruelty to chairs and tables, or cutting clothes amiss, or wearing them to tatters, or whatever other absurdity may occur to idle and unkind people; the whole discussion, therefore, should be ordered out of court at once.

Supplies of food and farm implements were heaped together and burned. With deliberate purpose, cruelly carried out, it was made impossible for men to live through a thousand square miles. Years afterwards the country was still a desert; it was generations before it had fully recovered.