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At the first of these opportunities, on the 13th and 14th of March, Hotham said they had done well enough in capturing two French ships-of-the-line. "Now," remarked Nelson, whose aggressive pursuit had led to the capture, "had we taken 10 sail and allowed the 11th to escape, when it had been possible to have got at her, I should not have called it well done."

In March, the King fled from London to York; in April, the gates of Hull were shut in his face by Hotham, its governor; and in May, the Long Parliament voted a levy of 16,000 without the royal authority. The Earl of Warwick had been appointed the Parliamentary commander of the fleet, and the Earl of Essex, their Lord General, with Cromwell as one of his captains.

The world was no more disposed to worry about any private immoralities of his than it did about those of other men, but it was not prepared to have them brandished in its face, and it would have none of Lady Hamilton, nor would Lady Nelson. The general public opinion at the time receives, probably, accurate expression from Sir William Hotham, a man then in London society.

'Steam boilers leak. Put fires out, lose seven hours obliged to empty boilers the Devil and all! At least the men here are devils incarnate two of them entered the boilers and drove rivets with the thermometer 160 in there. 'Sir H. Hotham wrote me a kind note in answer to my request to allow Hart to bring the ship home after me. 'June 20.

Immediately on her anchoring Captain Maitland went on board to give an account of all that had happened, and received the Admiral's approbation of what he had done. In the afternoon Admiral Sir Henry Hotham was introduced to Napoleon, and invited by him to dinner. This was arranged, in order to make it more agreeable to him, by Bonaparte's maitre d'hotel.

Rear-Admiral Man, who had been blockading Cadiz since his detachment there by Hotham, in October, 1795, was ordered up to the main fleet.

These recommendations were for the most part carried out by legislation of the same year , and, before his lamented death in December, 1855, Sir Charles Hotham had the happiness being able to report to the Home Government the almost perfect tranquillity of the gold-fields.

And the soaring eagle of Prussia will now truly fulfil his device, Nec Soli Cedis or, to put it in German, "Even the sun's glance shall not dazzle thee! What hour is it? Eleven past, Your Majesty. Prince, when you have come to your senses tomorrow, let them tell you that the King touched glasses with you. At Your Majesty's service. He doesn't understand, Hotham.

A white domino the Prince of Wales? What's the key to this new riddle? Can there be some secret doings here? I will question Baronet Hotham cautiously. Mayhap this much-decorated gentleman can give me some information. May I ask how His Royal Highness, the Prince of Wales, is enjoying himself in Berlin? I am Count Seckendorf. HOTHAM. Most happy to meet you. In the best hands?

It will be remembered that Sir Hyde Parker had succeeded Hotham in the chief command of the Mediterranean, for a brief but critical month in 1795, and that Nelson had then complained of his action as regards the general conduct of the campaign, and specifically for having reduced to the point of inefficiency the small squadron under Nelson's own direction, upon which the most important issues hinged.