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Raft, the day before, had taken the Chinese mate down to the cabin and shewed him Chang's money and had presented it to him and the crew in pantomime. It was honesty. It was also a good stroke.

He had found honesty and truth where he might least have expected it in a woman of a court in a woman surrounded by vicious and frivolous circles in a woman who had nothing in the opinion of her friends, her country, her own husband, the social system in which she moved, to keep her from the concessions of frailty in a woman of the world a woman of Paris! yes, it was his very disappointment that drove away the fogs and vapours that, arising from the marshes of the great world, had gradually settled round his soul.

The treatise of Dr. Gordon, of Aberdeen, was published in the year 1795, being among the earlier special works upon the disease. A part of his testimony has been occasionally copied into other works, but his expressions are so clear, his experience is given with such manly distinctness and disinterested honesty, that it may be quoted as a model which might have been often followed with advantage.

"A body of very poor persons, individually in the commercial sense of the term insolvent, manage to create a new basis of security which has been somewhat grandiloquently and yet truthfully called 'the capitalization of their honesty and industry. The way in which this is done is remarkably ingenious.

I made them a second time feel the power of courage, honesty and truth, when opposed to fraud, trickery, and pretended patriotism; and this great lesson was read to Sir Francis Burdett, that he was nothing without the support of the people; that all his immense wealth, that all his great and profound talent, and all his influence, were nothing in the scale of political power without the people.

He succeeded my worthy friend of the guitar, Mr Sigismund Pontifex. His name was Riprapton, and he only wanted the slight requisite of common honesty to have made himself the first man of any society in which fate might happen to cast him and fate had been pleased to cast him into a great many.

Nothing is so fundamental to the integrity of a republican form of government as honesty in all that relates to the conduct of elections.

They would not trace back the origin of the evil beyond 1800: they could not or would not appreciate the Christian heroism displayed by the nation while under the infliction of such a fatal scourge. But it must not be forgotten by all admirers of virtue that, in the midst of a distress which baffles description, many of the victims of famine were at the same time martyrs to honesty and faith.

In that case my wishes will naturally carry more weight. I like that name of Satanstoe amazingly!" "I am infinitely obliged to you, Mr. Bulstrode, though I will confess I have never looked forward to rising in the world by taxing my friends. One may own that he has had some hopes founded on merit and honesty "

I smiled but soon grew sober as I thought that the incongruity between gown and shoes was no greater than that between the gown and the girl the girl who was reared to wear plain clothes and be honest and unpretentious. But honesty that is the rock to which I cling now. I am going to be honest with myself and have my share of happiness while I'm young.