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On arriving at the Marabet, I asked, "What are you going to do?" "Dig a grave, only," was the reply. "What," I continued, "are you going to dig the grave of the Negress whom Haj Ibrahim was just now beating?" "Yes," Omer returned, greatly ashamed. I was not surprised at the answer, but a disagreeable chill came over me.

The Consul found the auctioneer going round with it for sale, and inquiring to whom it belonged, and hearing it was Haj Ibrahim's, he took the sash from the auctioneer and told him to go and acquaint the merchant with what he had done, and which sash he had taken instead of the turban, offered to Hateetah by Haj Ibrahim, but refused on account of its little value.

Enter the inhabited Districts of Aheer Hostile Tuaricks An impudent Demand The Merchant Waldee Prepare for Defence Threatening Appearances Making Friends with Presents March Leave Waldee Doubtful Visitors The Camels stolen The Troop of Assailants draws nigh Parley Their Proposition We are compelled to a Compromise Character of our Enemies Sinister Rumours again Proceed toward Tidek Wady of Kaltadak Picturesque Scenery A Friend from Seloufeeat Fresh Mob collects to attack us Conferences We are to be let go scot-free if we become Muslims We repose Another Compromise for Money Incidents during the Night Quarrel over the Booty Enter the Valley of Seloufeeat Its Soudan Appearance Nephew of Sultan En-Noor Haj Bashaw of Seloufeeat We are still uneasy.

But Haj Essnousee is not altogether an unmixed monster; he has something of enterprise and an active intelligence about him, to redeem him from complete execration. Seeing me disconcerted about his whipping the slave, he observed, "There are two fine wells here, have you written them? You must give a good account of everything to your Sultan."

His brother was kindness itself, but had not the spirit of the Sheikh. His eldest son, Haj Besheer, was also a very kind and upright young man. Haj Besheer has immense influence with the Touaricks, and if he had gone with me to Ghat, nothing would have happened.

The Touaricks, however, have absolute control over all affairs, and Haj Ahmed stands in the same relation to Shafou, being governor of the town, as the Sheikh El-Mokhtar, who is governor of Timbuctoo, under the Sultan of Jinnee. But, Haj Ahmed, himself, disclaims all temporal authority, he repeatedly says in our conversation, "I am not Sheikh, or Kaëd, I'm only Marabout.

I had not been many minutes in my new apartment before the Governor himself came in. I had been addressing the young Ghatee as the Governor himself, like Goldsmith harangued a duke's footman for the duke himself. Haj Ahmed, his father, welcomed me with every demonstration of hospitality.

Ghadames is situate in 30° 9′ north latitude, and in18′ east longitude. 25th. I find my house, which had been prepared for me by the kindness of the Sheikh Haj Mohammed Makouran, very commodious and tolerably clean, and I make myself at home. It is situate in the suburbs, close by the Governor's house. I now tried to get a nap, but could not.

We in India, as I have said, in our grand careless way, leave all these things to chance. India, nevertheless, still holds the first rank in the Haj, and, all things considered, is now the most important land where the Mohammedan faith is found.

The revenue of Hejaz derived from the Haj is computed at three millions sterling, a figure proved by the yearly excess of imports over exports in her seaports, for she produces nothing, and the patronage of half, or perhaps two-thirds, of this great revenue would make England's a position there quite unassailable.