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But we had not yet done with the amenities of the Stympsons. The morning's post brought letters to Lady Diana and Lord Erymanth, which were swallowed by the lady with only a flush on her brow, but which provoked from the gentleman a sharp interjection. "Scandalous, libellous hags!" "The rara Avis?" inquired Dermot.

The person who is inscribing these lines, however, Sees before him, as it were, an assemblage of deformed and un-prepossessing hags, Venerable in age and inconsiderable in appearance; For the dignified and majestic image of Mian is ever before him, Making all others very inferior. Within the houses and streets of Canton Hang many bright lanterns.

We will consent to forego the right of separation, and agree to live together, even though we love one another. Above all, we will refuse death and consent to live. Can any rulers do more than this for the good of their people?" Another outburst of applause followed. "In three joms," continued Almah, "all you hags and paupers shall be sent to exile and death on Magones.

Every day when I sit down in my dining-room my dining-room! I find the wish growing stronger that each poor soul in Baltimore, whether saint or sinner, could come and dine with me. How I would carve out the merry-thoughts for the old hags! How I would stuff the big wan-eyed rascals till their rags ripped again!

But as he was leading them into the wings the stage manager passed. "Just you find those hags Fernande and Maria!" cried Bordenave savagely. Then calming down and endeavoring to assume the dignified expression worn by "heavy fathers," he wiped his face with his pocket handkerchief and added: "I am now going to receive His Highness." The curtain fell amid a long-drawn salvo of applause.

Withered witchlike hags flitted around the blaze, and here for hour after hour sat a circle of children and young girls, laughing and talking, their round merry faces glowing in the ruddy light.

It was midnight, and I had time to make my observations by the moonlight, for more than half an hour elapsed before the door was opened by one of the most hideous old hags I ever saw in my life. We were then introduced to a long room where thirty persons of both sexes were indiscriminately smoking and drinking, mingling in strange and licentious positions.

Every thing that we deem most lovely, ask its origin? Decay! When we rifle nature, and collect wisdom, are we not like the hags of old, culling simples from the rank grave, and extracting sorceries from the rotting bones of the dead? Every thing around us is fathered by corruption, battened by corruption, and into corruption returns at last.

But what of that? The old hags will have enjoyed a long term much longer than might have been anticipated. Mother Demdike, however, as I have intimated, will extend hers, and it is fortunate for her she is enabled to do so, as it would otherwise expire an hour after midnight, and could not be renewed." "Thou liest!" cried Mistress Nutter "liest like thy lord, who is the father of lies.

Perhaps she'd go with you if you got another girl or took an old woman from the house here to keep her company." "I'm sick to death of such hags," said the farmer with an impatient gesture. Then he sat down and looked at his friend as if a plan was forming in his mind of which he scarcely dare speak. "Well, out with it!" said Tom.