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She was alarmed at seeing me, not knowing that I had escaped from Glatz, and ran to inform her husband, but did not return. A quarter of an hour after the good Mary came weeping, and told us her master commanded us to quit the premises instantly, or he should be obliged to have us arrested, and delivered up as prisoners. My sister's husband forcibly detained her, and I saw her no more.

We were still about some seven miles from Glatz, having lost ourselves among the mountains, where we had wandered many miles. The daughter followed me: I found three horses in the stable, but no bridles. I conjured her, in the most passionate manner, to assist me: she was affected, seemed half willing to follow me, and gave me two bridles.

My love is calm, for it is without danger; it has my mother's consent and blessing. Our only hope is, that my lover may be promoted, and that the king will give his consent to our marriage. We are both poor, and rely only upon the favor of the king. He is now lieutenant, and is on duty in the garrison of Glatz." "In Glatz! and you say that Trenck is a prisoner in Glatz?"

I once more repeat I was brought to the citadel of Glatz; I was not, however, thrown into a dungeon, but imprisoned in a chamber of the officer of the guard; was allowed my servants to wait on me, and permitted to walk on the ramparts. I did not want money, and there was only a detachment from the garrison regiment in the citadel of Glatz, the officers of which were all poor.

Schwerin is issuing from Silesia, through the Glatz Mountains, for Bohemia, at the head of 40,000. Nothing hinders but this paltry Camp of the Saxons; itself only 18,000 strong, but in a Country of such strength. And this does hinder, effectually while it continues: "How march to Bohemia, and leave the road blocked in our rear?"

"Trenck, Trenck, do you not hear the alarm guns thundering from the citadel? Our pursuers are after us." "I hear the cannon," said Trenck, hastening on. "We have a half hour's start." "A half hour will not suffice. No one has ever escaped from Glatz who did not have two hours' advance of pursuit. Leave me, Trenck, and save yourself." "I will not leave you. I would rather die with you.

"The scene is the Wall of Heights, running east and west, parallel to Friedrich's Position at Kunzendorf; which form the Face, or decisive beginning, of that Mountain Glacis spreading up ten miles farther, towards Glatz Country. They, these Heights called of Burkersdorf, are in effect Daun's right wing; vitally precious to Daun, who has taken every pains about them.

Austrian Deserters inform us, That General Neipperg arrived to-day with his Army in Neisse; and has there been joined by Lentulus with the Glatz force, chiefly cavalry, a good many thousands. We may be attacked, then, this very night, if they are diligent? Friedrich marks out ground and plan in such case, and how and where each is to rank himself.

I will enclose it to my mother; no one here must know that I correspond with an officer at the fortress of Glatz." "No one dare know that, till the day of Trenck's liberation," said Amelia, with a radiant smile. Since the day Joseph Fredersdorf introduced Lupinus to Eckhof, an affectionate intercourse had grown up between them.

As the emperor was about to lay his hand upon the door, it opened, and one of his adjutants appeared. "Sire," said he, almost breathless, "a courier has arrived from the borders of Bohemia, and he brings startling intelligence." "Tell us at once what it is," said the emperor. "The King of Prussia has left the county of Glatz and has marched into Bohemia."