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Then she collapsed all at once as only the citadel of a woman's will can do through some inner weakness. "Guns and powder and shot and partizans," said she. Then she added, like one who would fain readjust herself upon the heights of her own resolution by a good excuse for having fallen "Fie, why should I not have told you, Master Wingfield?

Others taught cows to dance, and did not lose their fiddling. Others pitched nets to catch the wind, and took cock-lobsters in them. I saw a spodizator, who very artificially got farts out of a dead ass, and sold 'em for fivepence an ell. Another did putrefy beetles. O the dainty food! Pugh, fie upon him, nasty dog!

'O Lord! said Noakes, with a slight falling of the lower jaw. 'The man who quails now is unworthy of the name of yeoman, said Festus, still keeping ahead of the other troopers and holding up his sword to the sun. 'O Noakes, fie, fie! You begin to look pale, man.

Then, as if divining what was being said, through her quick woman's instinct, she drew us toward a window in the study of Francis I and showed us these lines scratched upon one of the panes: Souvent femme varie; Mal habile qui s'y fie.

But I did not guess his mother would be here with this gorgeous madame wife." "Fie now, is it the Lord God don't advise you of everything? 'Tis an indignity, faith." Captain Me Bean swore at him in a friendly way, and they jogged on through the Islington lanes....

My dear Zosia, you are quite forgetful both of your age and of your station in life. Why, to-day you are beginning your fourteenth year; it is time to give up turkeys and hens. Fie! is such fun worthy of a dignitary’s daughter? And you have petted long enough those sunburned peasants’ children, Zosia!

A merry chorus mocked her: "Is it to watch the roses that you have put on the gown which matches your eyes, you sly one?"... "And the lilies in your hair, sweet? Is it to shelter them from the rain that you wear them?"... "Fie, Tata! Can you not fib yet without changing color?" But Elfgiva raised an impatient hand.

He took it up mechanically, and read a paragraph praising him and his speech; foretelling "honor and troops of friends" for a young man who began his public career so brilliantly. "There; hear this!" said he, as he read it aloud and looked at his companion. "Troops of friends, do you see? and yet you talk of being my only dependence in the world! Fie! fie! Mrs. Delilah Jones."

It is not good for little ones to live too much with grown people and get their ways." "I know some of the girls," said Primrose. "I like Hannah Lee very much. She goes to Master Dove's school, but Bella said she was poor." "Fie! fie! Children should put on no such airs! Bella hath altogether too many of them, and her mother is not an overwise woman!

"Old fool! . . . Slanderer at your age? . . . Fie, sir! . . . Ruined by good fortune . . . you are . . . yes." Patience, impassive as ever, shrugged his shoulders and said to his friend: "Marcasse, you do not know what you are saying. Go and rest awhile at the bottom of the orchard. This matter does not concern you. I want to speak to your master alone.