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His was a mind that quailed not before visible dangers; but, with all its powers of decisive action, it retained so much of Corsican eeriness as to chafe at the unknown, and to lose for the moment the faculty of forming a vigorous resolution.

The eeriness of the dim light, the wild squawks of the sea-birds in the ears, and that great dark figure standing motionless, put a dread on the serving-man. "If he is Finn himself," said I, trying to be bold, "he will be giving us a hand with the skiff whatever." There came a ringing laugh from the stranger.

He really had prepared a sort of supper for us when, after my father's resounding turn of the key of the drawing-room door, my brothers, in their stocking soles, bore me upstairs, the fun of the achievement for the moment overpowering all sense of eeriness.

It was like talking out loud in church, or in some place where it was not lawful, perhaps not quite safe, to be overheard. The eeriness of this lonely island, set among a million willows, swept by a hurricane, and surrounded by hurrying deep waters, touched us both, I fancy.

From all the houses the plaster was peeling off in many places, a prey to the inclemencies of London winters; all presented gray facades, with an air of eeriness about their few windows, flush with the outside wall at one time painted white, no doubt, but now of uniform dinginess with the rest of the plaster work.

And Soames, who felt the chill and the eeriness of that world-new to him and so very old: the world, unowned, visiting the scene of its past went down and made himself tea on a spirit-lamp. When he had drunk it, he took out writing materials and wrote two paragraphs: "On the 20th instant at his residence in Park Lane, James Forsyte, in his ninety-first year.

Charles suggested that they might even swoop down upon us and bite us. They did not, however, but their flapping wings added none the less a painful touch of eeriness to our hunger and solitude. Charles was horribly depressed.

And Soames, who felt the chill and the eeriness of that world-new to him and so very old: the world, unowned, visiting the scene of its past went down and made himself tea on a spirit-lamp. When he had drunk it, he took out writing materials and wrote two paragraphs: "On the 20th instant at his residence in Park Lane, James Forsyte, in his ninety-first year.

The crying of the owls made the place of a strange eeriness, especially sometimes when a bat or other night creature would come and cling a moment under the leaden pent of the window. Such things as these, together with the strain of the waiting on the unknown, drew us insensibly together I do not mean Agnes Anne but just the two of us who were shut off apart in the window-seat.

"Yes, if you don't mind going back the way you came." "Come on," she snapped. She was not going to be laughed at by Mark, and she dared him to deny that he was not as much aware as herself of an eeriness in the atmosphere. "Only because it seems dark in here after that dazzling sunlight on the wold. Hark! I hear the sound of water."