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When she first came to Eccleston, this neighbour and his daughter were often seen taking long and regular walks; by-and-by his walks became shorter, and the attentive daughter would convoy him home, and set out afresh to finish her own.

He was thankful to be spared any implication in the nine-days' wonder which her story had made in Eccleston. And yet his feeling for her had been of so strong a character, that he winced, as with extreme pain, at every application of censure to her name.

Polly, who was in a condition to catch even at a straw for support, said falteringly: "I had the auction in my room because of dad." Miss Eccleston raised her brows. The amused smile of sorrow round Miss Heath's mouth became more marked. She came forward a few steps and stood near Miss Eccleston. "You must explain yourself, Miss Singleton," repeated the latter lady.

John Girdlestone's private residence in Eccleston Square was a large and substantial house in a district which the wave of fashion had passed over in its westward course. It might still, however, be said to be covered by a deposit of eminent respectability.

It was also true, as Mr Bradshaw had said, Mr Farquhar wished to marry, and had not much choice in the small town of Eccleston. He never put this so plainly before himself, as a reason for choosing Jemima, as her father had done to her; but it was an unconscious motive all the same.

"And Miss Eccleston feels," proceeded Miss Heath, "and perhaps she is right, that the matter ought to be laid before the college authorities, who will decide what are the best steps to be taken." "You do not agree with that view, do you, Miss Heath?" asked Maggie Oliphant suddenly. "At first I did not. I leaned to the side of mercy.

"Drive into London!" he cried; "69, Eccleston Square. I am on fire to be there!" The cabman sprang on the box, and they rattled away as fast as the horse would go. This sudden exit caused, as may be imagined, considerable surprise in the parlour of the Cock and Cowslip. "He's a vera tumultuous young man," the mate remarked. "He was off like a clipper in a hurricane."

M'Lane, he had already been spoken to in his behalf by Major Eccleston, and, from the character given him by that gentleman, he considered him a meritorious officer; of course, that he would not be displaced, or ought not to be displaced. I further added, that Mr. Jefferson would conduct, as to those points, agreeably to the opinions I had stated as his. Mr.

"I thought you'd be so glad about the decision Miss Heath and Miss Eccleston have come to." "No, I am not particularly glad. I can't stay now to talk it over, however; Hester Stuart wants me to practise a duet with her." "May I come to your room later on, Maggie?" "Not to-night, I think; I shall be very busy." Miss Oliphant nodded brightly and disappeared out of the dining-hall.

The wealthy Eccleston manufacturer was uncomfortably impressed with an indefinable sense of inferiority to his visitor.