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Browning the long- sought and despaired-of letter, with its tell-tale green envelope unbroken, and its contents, in so far as I could see, unviolated and undisturbed. "I have lived long enough." Before I proceeded to open this letter, I reasoned some time with myself. The will by which I had come into possession of Ada's effects was, as I knew, informal and possibly illegal.

"I will see that you have the chance," she assured him, and he went away feeling like a boy who has been promised a long-desired and despaired-of treat. But it was not of the Virginia reel he was thinking as he went swinging away down the wintry street. They were sitting, most of them, before the living-room fire, discussing the plans for the week of the house-party, when Rosamond broke the news.

Cavour did not fear the first, except, perhaps, at Genoa; but he did fear the deeply-rooted forces of reaction, which were only too likely to regain the ascendant if things went wrong with the war. At last the long-desired, almost despaired-of news arrived.

The despaired-of thing was done. A man was flying securely and well. Scotland was agape for his coming. Glasgow he reached by one o'clock, and it is related that scarcely a ship-yard or factory in that busy hive of industry resumed work before half-past two. The public mind was just sufficiently educated in the impossibility of flying to appreciate Mr. Butteridge at his proper value.

For Barbara and Robert Sumner the last days spent in Venice were filled with a peculiar joy. The revulsion of feeling, the unexpected, despaired-of happiness, the untrammelled intercourse, the full sympathy of those dear to them, all this could be experienced but once. Only one person was out of tune with the general feeling. This was Lucile Sherman.

So, in the end, young Gregoriev sought his bed that night not in black depression, but with his brain once more on fire with hope: hope of an incredibly swift fulfilment of his lately despaired-of heart's desire. This sudden frame of mind lasted for three days.

Antoinette Duclos! and she was where he could reach her in five minutes in fact as soon as the superintendent returned. As he stood and watched her working quite assiduously but in something like isolation, he felt as though ten years had slipped from his age, and trifled with his pleasure as the rest of us do when we behold a despaired-of goal loom suddenly in sight.

"But you must bear in mind, too, the circumstance that the laddie's just sold a picture." "Good business!" ejaculated Lightmark, as he reflected to himself that perhaps that despaired-of fiver would be repaid after all. About midnight most of the men left. Rainham remained, and Lightmark, who professed himself too lazy to move.

In mid-lent the Governor remarked upon it to the Governor-General; and hope began to stir in a hundred hearts: hope of a long despaired-of release from the terrors of an invincible blackmail. Up to the middle of March he managed to get about alone.