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'No, replied my father; 'so far back as his father's time, it was a mere designation the property being forfeited by Herbert Herries following his kinsman the Earl of Derwentwater to the Preston affair in 1715.

It felt like a moral atmosphere in contrast with the air all laden with human emanations, smoke, and the careless talk of men. These two were perhaps somewhat inclined to feel a superiority in any circumstances. They did so doubly in these. "He was always a little cad," said Jock. "To hear a lady's name from his mouth is revolting," said Derwentwater. "We are all too careless in that respect.

Like Gray, Pliny took a keen pleasure in exploring the more romantic districts of his country; his description of the lake in the letter just mentioned is curiously like passages from the journal in which Gray records his discovery for it was little less of Thirlmere and Derwentwater.

Derwentwater went off somewhat discomfited to make a tour of the rooms after the remorseless address of Bice. He tried to smile at the mock severity of her judgment. He, no more than Montjoie, would believe that she meant only what she said.

Derwentwater talked to her in a tone which amused the girl. He spoke of Proserpina gathering flowers, herself a and then altered and grew confused under her eye. "Herself a What?" said Bice. "Have you forgotten what you were going to say?" "I have not forgotten herself a fairer flower. One does not forget such lovely words as these," he said, injured by the question.

The council resolved that the sentence should be executed, and orders were given for that purpose to the lieutenant of the Tower, and the sheriffs of London and Middlesex. The countess of Derwentwater, with her sister, accompanied by the duchesses of Cleveland and Bolton, and several other ladies of the first distinction, was introduced by the dukes of Richmond and St.

"I don't know about Got and Regnier. But what we are going to see is Shakespeare," he said, with a little awe, "that is not just like a common play." Mr. Derwentwater had been astonished by Bice's indifference to his own instructive remarks.

No portion of his subjects had anything to reproach him with. Even the remaining adherents of the House of Stuart could scarcely impute to him the guilt of usurpation. He was not responsible for the Revolution, for the Act of Settlement, for the suppression of the risings of 1715 and of 1745. He was innocent of the blood of Derwentwater and Kilmarnock, of Balmerino and Cameron.

She can't be going to take poison, like the great Sarah, and give us a grand dying seance in Lady Randolph's drawing-room. That would be going a bit too far, don't you know?" "It is going a bit too far to imagine such a thing," Derwentwater said. "Oh, come, you know, it isn't school-time," cried Montjoie, with a laugh. And though Mr.

Moreover, though he owned his peel tower and the land surrounding it, he was yet, as regards other land, a tenant of the Earl of Derwentwater, as well as being a devoted admirer of that nobleman. Naturally, therefore, when the Earl took the field, Stokoe followed him; and had all been of his frame of mind, there had been no ignominious surrender at Preston.