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On a page further along on the blotter, however, he saw what appeared to be the impression of an address. He held it up to the glass and gave a whistle of delight. The words could be plainly deciphered here: "MR. LEO PERNBURG, "FRANKFURT AM MAIN, "MAINZER LANDSTRASSE." and above the name was a smear which, after a little study, could be deciphered as the written word "Registered."

One fine day, Good having gone out hawking, Sir Henry and I were sitting quietly talking over the situation, especially with reference to Sorais, when a Court messenger arrived with a written note, which we with some difficulty deciphered, and which was to the effect that 'the Queen Sorais commanded the attendance of the Lord Incubu in her private apartments, whither he would be conducted by the bearer'.

I ask it from a fanciful sentiment, one of those secrets of womanhood not impossible to understand, but which we grieve to find deciphered; leave me this covert way where as a woman I wish to walk alone." "Yes, I promise it," I said, kissing her hand. "Ah," she added, "I have one more promise to ask of you; but grant it first." "Yes, yes!" I cried, thinking it was surely a promise of fidelity.

Of course she failed, and we got a message which had been handed in by Petrovska. One of our men followed her. "We deciphered the message, and it enabled us to discover your hiding-place on the river. But the business was muddled, and you got away. We found the sheath of the knife used in the murder among other belongings you left behind.

Now certainly the triple human form is very remarkable, and lends a color to this conjecture; but, as there is absolutely nothing, either in the statements of ancient writers, or in the Assyrian inscriptions, so far as they have been deciphered, to confirm the supposition, it can hardly be accepted as the true explanation of the phenomenon.

I have wronged you deeply, and I cannot bear to look upon your face." To these words Algernon attached a general, but they cloaked a peculiar, meaning: in three years, he returned to England; his father had been dead some months, and the signification of his parting address was already deciphered, but of this hereafter.

The inscriptions have not yet been, and it is scarcely to be expected that they ever will be, deciphered. The genitive forms, -aihi- and -ihi-, corresponding to the Sanscrit -asya- and the Greek oio , appear to indicate that the dialect belongs to the Indo-Germanic family.

The deeper we penetrate into the occult wisdom of the East, on which light has been shed by modern explorations, monumental inscriptions, manuscripts, historical records, and other things which science and genius have deciphered, the surer we feel that the esoteric classes of India, Egypt, and China were more united in their views of Supreme Power and Intelligence than was generally supposed fifty years ago.

Heaven forgive me if I misjudge any one, but my belief is this that the letters, whereof only the deciphered copies were shown, did not quit the hands of either the one or the other, such as we heard them at Fotheringhay. So poor Babington said, so saith the Queen of Scots, demanding vehemently to have them read in her presence before Nau and Curll, who could testify to them.

He sat quietly down and drew his hands over his face, pushed his lean knotted fingers up under his spectacles, then sat blinking and softly slowly deciphered the solitary 'My dear Sheila' on Lawford's note-paper.