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Among other people's he told the fortune of an Englishman who had once been interested in the Simla creed, but who, later on, had married and forgotten all his old knowledge in the study of babies and Exchange. The Englishman allowed Dana Da to tell a fortune for charity's sake, and, gave him five rupees, a dinner, and some old clothes.

Many years after, meeting Mamie Dana, as the wife of an army officer at Fortress Monroe, I related the Memphis incident. She did not in the least recall it. I had one other adventure during the war that may be worth telling. It was in 1862.

Then I told them who I was, and all became excitement for the next day's adventure. We drove down to the Federal outpost. Crenshaw that was the name of the cotton buyer showed his pass to the officer in command, who then turned to me. "Captain," I said, "I have no pass, but I am a nephew of Mrs. General Dana. Can you not pass me in without a pass?" He was very polite.

At that earlier time, Willis was by far the most prominent young American author. Cooper, Irving, Bryant, Dana, Halleck, Drake, had all done their best work. Longfellow was not yet conspicuous. Lowell was a school-boy. Emerson was unheard of. Whittier was beginning to make his way against the writers with better educational advantages whom he was destined to outdo and to outlive.

The stately and scholarly Boston of Channing, Dana, Everett, and Ticknor might indeed have looked askance at the literary claims of such lines as these "Thoughts in Dejection" of a poet wondering if the path to Parnassus lay over Charlestown or Chelsea bridge: "What is a poet's fame? Sad hints about his reason, And sadder praise from gazetteers, To be returned in season.

He was, however, very grateful to me for my effort in his behalf. The result was a heavy blow to his ambition and he resolved to prepare a new work on International Law. For that purpose he took his residence in Europe, but death came too soon for the realization of his purpose. Mr. Dana will be remembered by his tale of the sea, "Two Years Before the Mast."

Gyp greeted them boisterously. Jerry, watching shyly, thought them all very jolly-looking boys. "Do you see that tall boy down there?" Gyp nodded toward another group. "That's Dana King. Isobel's got an awful crush on him. She won't admit it but I know it, and the other girls say so, too. He's a senior." The boy turned at that moment. His pleasant face was aglow with enthusiasm.

Dana took comfort in the knowledge that he would be; the Torrance hunting party should find him the next day, before he even got really hungry. Then the designated ones did as they were told; Jason slumped under an expertly-applied baton to the base of his skull, then was secured to a small tree.

The Englishman said that there were several men whom he hated deeply. "Very good," said Dana Da, upon whom the whisky and the opium were beginning to tell. "Only give me their names, and I will dispatch a Sending to them and kill them." Now a Sending is a horrible arrangement, first invented, they say, in Iceland.

Fisher, Gulick, et al., "Ethical Significance of Play," Materials for Religious Education, pp. 197-215. Religious Education Association, $0.50. Publications of the Play Ground Association. III. Methods and Materials Forbush, Manual of Play. Jacobs, $1.00. A. Newton, Graded Games. Barnes, $1.25. Von Palm, Rainy Day Pastimes. Dana Estes, $1.00. Johnson, When Mother Lets Us Help.