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I suppose it will be necessary to have a kind of foreman or manager of some sort there; and it has occurred to me that Mrs. Clarkson might take him as a lodger. But before that can be done, the house would have to be enlarged and several alterations made. I must consult William about it." Both Mrs. Costello and Mrs.

Christian cared little about it, but he let Bailey guide him, and so the prey fell into their hands. So far, the story told had been intensely personal, and of the kind which must inevitably be coloured by the teller. From this point, Mrs. Costello was no longer leading her daughter through places and scenes entirely strange.

The LORD CHIEF BARON You are again transgressing. You had better stop for a moment or two; you seem to be excited. COSTELLO My lord, as you truly remark.

Lucia rebelled against it, but she could not argue with her mother's pale face and faintly spoken words to oppose her. She busied herself softly in such little offices as her anxiety suggested, and they spoke no more that night of the subjects nearest to their hearts. But when Mrs. Costello was alone, she began to think of Maurice.

I don't wish to forget anything that is true and real, and I wish to remind you that when I left Canada I did so with a promise an implied promise at any rate from you, which has not been kept." "Maurice! Have you a right to speak to me so?" "I think I have. Dear Mrs. Costello, have some consideration for me.

Costello would have plenty of time to hear of his application, and to baffle him if she wished to do so. He quickly decided, therefore, to do nothing until he could go himself to Chester, and from thence direct to the place, wherever that might be, where Lucia was to be found. Mr. Leigh's day, meanwhile, had been far less comfortable than Maurice's.

Costello began to feel that the one secure asylum for Lucia, in her probable orphanhood, would be in the old house by the Dee. The next time she saw Mr. Leigh, she told him her plans quite frankly.

The air was bitterly cold; and, hastened by storm and mist, the night was coming on fast. They paused for a moment outside the wicket; and Mrs. Costello, looking at Mr. Strafford with a consciousness that her wish was foolish and unreasonable, said "I should like to go down quite to the shore, just for a moment, to try if I can see anything."

Costello left the room, and came back carrying a small, old-fashioned desk, which she placed upon the table. This desk, which she knew had been her mother's when a girl, and which contained many little treasures, attracted Lucia's attention. Obeying a sign from Mrs. Costello, she came forward, and watched while it was opened, and the many familiar objects taken out.

Costello were eager for the matinee, "here's your book of numbers, Alanna. And here, I'll tie a pencil and a string to it. Don't lose it. I've given you two hundred numbers at a quarter each, and mind the minute any one pays for one, you put their name down on the same line!" "Oo, oo!" said Alanna in pride. "Two hundred! That's lots of money, isn't it, Dad?