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It was neither the desire of revenge nor of glory, nor even of liberty itself as the ultimate end, which nourished the enthusiasm there excited; the feeling which animated all the leading spirits, and which operated instinctively on the least reflecting, was the conviction that they were engaged in the highest and holiest of causes; that the moral, as well as the political regeneration of Europe depended on the issue of that struggle.

The subsequent scene with the ghost convinces Hamlet that he is not the victim of malign influences as far as he is capable of conviction, for his very first words when alone restate the doubt: "O all you host of heaven! O earth! What else? And shall I couple hell?"

It was a conviction concerning Miss Lizzie. Near Emmy Lou in the Fourth Reader room sat a little girl named Lisa Lisa Schmit. Once Emmy Lou had seen Lisa in a doorway a store doorway hung with festoons of linked sausage. Lisa had told Emmy Lou it was her papa's grocery store. One day the air of the Fourth Reader room seemed unpleasantly freighted.

How long he'd been in the house, that I cannot say, but my own deductions are he'd been in the house waiting for his chance for a good while before the master heard him at yon door. Is that not a fair deduction too, sir?" "It's possible," said Ned, though not with great conviction.

I tell you I am certain these feelings in me come from a bodily condition." "You think it quite impossible that they may proceed from a condition of the soul?" "Quite. I believe it all ends here on the day one dies. I feel as certain of that as of my being a woman. And this being my conviction, I think it of paramount importance to have a good time while I am here." "Naturally."

If he refused to marry Veronica and attempted to get legal protection for her, the inevitable result would be the prosecution, conviction, and utter ruin of his brother and of the woman he loved. If he refused to marry Veronica and did nothing to protect her, Matilde's eyes had told him what Matilde would do to escape public shame and open infamy.

It is wonderful to realize the power we gain by compelling and controlling our desires or aversions through the intelligent use of the will, and it is easier to compel ourselves to do right against temptation than to force ourselves to do wrong against a true conviction. Indeed it is most difficult, if not impossible, to force ourselves to do wrong against a strong sense of right.

Whilst we have no right to doubt the sincerity of the British Government in their construction of the treaty, it is at the same time my deliberate conviction that this construction is in opposition both to its letter and its spirit.

What especially alarmed him was the abrupt conviction that this child had always seen into the innermost recesses of his heart, even farther than the things he dared to acknowledge to himself.

If scrupulous adherence to the principle thus laid down would heavily shackle the activity and seriously impair the immediate usefulness of Mr. Forster and his coadjutors in the Endowed School Commission, I am exceedingly sorry, but not in the least shaken in my conviction that the principle ought to be rigidly adhered to.