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Thirty years ago he had come to the city from Maine as a "hand" on a coast schooner, obtained employment in a railroad yard, then as a freight conductor, gone West, become a contractor, in which position a lucky hit set him on the road of the unscrupulous accumulation of property. He was now a railway magnate, the president of a system, a manipulator of dexterity and courage.

His father had discovered among his drawings a new plan for a staircase, which had occupied his thoughts for a long time; and he even suspected him of having engaged himself to the Versailles contractor for the very purpose of executing it.

"'What kind of a contractor? says I. 'It sounds like a kind of a business to me. You ain't going to haul cement or establish branches or work on a railroad, are you? "'You don't understand, says Luke. 'I'm tired of space and horizons and territory and distances and things like that. What I want is reasonable contraction.

But you have to pay the larger number all at once. Where's the money coming from?" "From the head contractor. We'll try to make Norton sign for an interim payment. Let's go and see him." Festing was doubtful, but they found Norton, the contractor's engineer, more compliant than he hoped.

If a contractor for the yearly sale of the woods was bankrupt and did not pay, how could I get my interest? Answer me that, Gandrin." "Certainly you must run the risk of that chance." "Of course the chance occurs, and then I foreclose, seize, Rochebriant and its seigneuries are mine."

Early one morning in the spring of 1870 the Indians, who had approached the post during the night, stole twenty-one head of horses from a government contractor. They also ran off some of the government animals, and among the number my pony, Powder Face. Company I of the Fifth Cavalry was immediately ordered out after the savages, and I was directed to accompany them as trailer.

For these reasons the contractor and his friends declined to proceed with the formation of the company. The President, however, was very desirous of having a good water supply, and after some months of negotiations the original contract was supplemented by a grant from the Executive Council, who then held plenary powers from the Volksraad, giving the proposed company the exclusive right.

"Bother," said Sir Roger. "Well, Scatcherd; I must do my duty to you, whether you like it or not." "That is to say, I am to pay you for trying to frighten me." "No human nature can stand such shocks as these much longer." "Winterbones," said the contractor, turning to his clerk, "go down, go down, I say; but don't be out of the way. If you go to the public-house, by G , you may stay there for me.

A fixed amount was named as contractor's profit. If the actual cost of the work when completed, including this sum named as contractor's profit, should be less than a certain estimated amount named in the contract, the contractor should have one-half of the saving.

On the 10th of July travelling down the Finke near a place called Crown Point on the telegraph line, we saw a white man riding towards us. He proved to be a Mr. Alfred Frost, the owner of several fine horse-teams and a contractor to supply loading for the Government to several telegraph stations farther up the line. I had known him before; he was most kind.