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"The glory doesn't lie entirely in the pulverizing the Boer army; there's a little left for the men who are sweeping up the pieces." Her trained eye saw the rising color in his face. Swiftly she changed the subject. "Glory for all, enough and to spare," she replied. "But, as I say, Cape Town is crowded with officers, lying up for repairs, and Ethel is queen bee among them.

I fought against the feeling because I dreaded that hospital tent and, still more, being carried down country." "Yes; we certainly did a clever thing, when we bought up everything we could, that day we were in Cape Coast. Our servants, too, have turned out most satisfactory.

Alexander's impatience to see his uncle, from whom he had found a letter waiting for him on his return to the Cape, stating that he was in tolerable health, induced him to leave the ship in a pilot-boat, and land at Falmouth. Taking leave for a time of the Major who preferred going on to Portsmouth, Alexander travelled with all possible speed, and on the second day arrived at his uncle's.

I had just come down from the city to the Cape with my sister Hester for my third summer vacation. I had left the cars with my arms full of bundles, and hurried toward Aunt Targood's. The cottage stood in from the road. There was a long meadow in front of it. In the meadow were two great oaks and some clusters of lilacs.

On the first of these two voyages, he was no higher in command than he had been in his earlier ones, and only accompanied the expedition as one whose intimate acquaintance with all nautical matters might prove of service under certain circumstances. During this voyage the ships coasted along the American shores from Cape St. Augustine to 52 degrees of south latitude.

Nothing was to be seen except the creeping cape, she said, but, of course, she could tell there was some awful thing inside of it. It was too large to be a cat, and too small to be a boy; it was too large to be Duke, Penrod's little old dog, and, besides, Duke wouldn't act like that.

What was her father to her he asked her plainly when had he ever considered her, as she should be considered? Let her only trust herself to him. Never, never should she repent that she had done him such an inconceivable honour. Hang the diplomatic service! He had some money; with her own it would be enough. He would take her to Egypt or the Cape. That would revive her.

The light from the hall shone out on to the black slabs of stone, bright with the shining rain, but his cape covered the man's head. Nevertheless Peter knew at once who it was. "Stephen," he said, quietly. The hall door was flung to with a crash; the wind hurled Peter against Stephen's body. "At last! Oh, Stephen! Why didn't you come before?" "I couldn't, Master Peter.

The Cape of Good Hope was now the most prominent point to pass. On the first day out from Durban it fell calm, and I sat thinking about these things and the end of the voyage. The early Portuguese navigators, endowed with patience, were more than sixty-nine years struggling to round this cape before they got as far as Algoa Bay, and there the crew mutinied.

The singular collection of islands known as the Bermudas are situated about seven hundred miles from Boston, in a southeast direction, and about the same distance from Halifax, or Florida. The nearest land to Bermuda is Cape Hatteras, distant 625 miles.