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For the rest of the night I was only out once, when I succeeded in reaching the hen-house and brought all my fowls safely to the kitchen, except a hen which would not rise off her young. Between us we had the kitchen floor, a pool of water; and the rain had put out my fires already, as effectually as if it had been an overturned broth-pot.

"It was there that I passed my military youth. Have you ever eaten Indian bean-cake?" "I have tasted it." "And that was enough, eh? But I have lived on it for eight weeks in an Iroquois village. Yes, eight weeks bean-cake was the most horrible of my experiences, except when I saw the hand of an unfortunate Potawatomie turn up in an Abenaki broth-pot. Do you remember General Montcalm?"

The weather was tolerably warm, and the snow was diminishing in depth, though where it went to it was difficult to say. Pat, evidently getting better as the day drew on, I took his gun and went out in the hopes of finding some game to replenish our larder. The constant attack I made on the lynx to supply our broth-pot had greatly diminished the flesh on the body.

London, say what we will of it, is after all the head of the British giant, and if not the liveliest in bubbles, it is past competition the largest broth-pot of brains anywhere simmering on the hob: over the steadiest of furnaces too. And the oceans and the continents, as you know, are perpetual and copious contributors, either to the heating apparatus or to the contents of the pot.

London, say what we will of it, is after all the head of the British giant, and if not the liveliest in bubbles, it is past competition the largest broth-pot of brains anywhere simmering on the hob: over the steadiest of furnaces too. And the oceans and the continents, as you know, are perpetual and copious contributors, either to the heating apparatus or to the contents of the pot.

'Comfortable here! he echoed me, disconsolately, and glanced at the heath, the tent, the black circle of the broth-pot, and the wild girl. Kiomi's mother was seen in a turn of the gravel-cutting, bearing purchases from Durstan village.

Hepburn paused, with the lid of the broth-pot in her hand, looking wonderingly into her son's face. 'What gars ye ask that? 'I heard she was in Glasgow, that's why, Walter answered cautiously. 'Where's the old man? Not working, surely? 'Ay; he's turned over a new leaf for three days, workin' orra at Stevenson's; they're short o' men the noo. He'll be in to his denner the noo.

'Comfortable here! he echoed me, disconsolately, and glanced at the heath, the tent, the black circle of the broth-pot, and the wild girl. Kiomi's mother was seen in a turn of the gravel-cutting, bearing purchases from Durstan village.

But as he was hopping past one of the back windows the King's cook saw him: 'Here is the very thing I want, he exclaimed, 'for the King has just sent a message to say that he must have chicken broth for his dinner, and opening the window he stretched out his arm, caught Medio Pollito, and popped him into the broth-pot that was standing near the fire.

In nine cases out of ten, Sunday "kitchen" was a cow's head, a "calf's head and pluck," a pair of cow's feet, a few sheep's "trotters" or a quart of sheep's blood. Sometimes it was the entrails of a pig. Only when there was no money for "kitchen" did we have blood. It was at first fried and then made part of the broth. The broth-pot on Sunday was the center.