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The mater will go off to Bournemouth at this time of the year, and so, by-and-by, we can have nothing but smart people." The evening passed in an endless, boring round. This sort of company does not adapt itself as the people at Harley did. With my best endeavors to be a good hostess, the uneasiness of my guests prevented me from making them feel comfortable or at home. Mrs.

*London: The "Herald of Health" Offices, 11, SOUTHAMPTON ROW, W.C.* An Object Lesson in Sensible Food Reform That is how one regular customer describes the excellent meals served daily in the quiet, restful, unpretentious, and admirably managed Home Restaurant BOURNEMOUTH is ideal for change and rest at almost any time of the year.

Westward from its mouth extends a line of sandy cliffs, broken by occasional ravines or chines, past Bournemouth to Poole Harbor, a broad estuary surrounded by low hills which is protected by a high ridge of chalk rocks on its south-western side running out into the sea. The sleepy town of Poole stands on the shore, having dim recollections of its ships and commerce of centuries ago.

Mudge himself liked processions, liked them at Bournemouth and on the pier quite as much as at Chalk Farm or anywhere, she learned after a little not to be worried by his perpetual counting of the figures that made them up.

I went down to Bournemouth unexpectedly, and was with him when that creature came to the door in a carriage. You haven't seen her. She looks what she is, the vilest of the vile. As if any one can be held responsible for that! She was born to be what she is. And if I had the power, I would crush out her hateful life to save poor Horace!

This day, however, he had been sombre and mute, with scarce a word a mile to bestow upon his comrade. "Tell me Alleyne Edricson," he broke out, suddenly, as they clattered along the winding track which leads over the Bournemouth hills, "has it not seemed to you that of late the Lady Maude is paler and more silent than is her wont?" "It may be so," the other answered shortly.

I think there is a room here where we shall be quite undisturbed." He led the way, and the others followed him. They sat down, and the doctor looked inquiringly at Sir James. "Dr. Hall, I am very anxious to find a certain young lady for the purpose of obtaining a statement from her. I have reason to believe that she has been at one time or another in your establishment at Bournemouth.

It's a good thing I drew back in time. But I have a train to catch; I really mustn't stay talking. 'Are you going far, Horace? 'To Bournemouth again, for the present. I've given up these rooms, and I'm taking all my things away. In a month or two I may go abroad; but I'll let you know. Already he was out of the room; his sister had no choice but to follow him downstairs.

But by now the enemy never yet conquered on this earth held him in deadly grip, and the fight he had to fight sent him from London to Bournemouth, to Saint-Germain, to Dieppe, to Mentone in search of health.

The Russian scare of the spring has turned rather to our advantage, as I always prophesied it would, by bringing home to the natives their dependence on England for protection from foreign invasion. From Sir Henry Taylor Bournemouth, July 14th. From Sir Alfred Lyall