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The sun, breaking through the clouds, shone on the mountain-wall which stood on the opposite side, touching with his glow the bare and rocky precipices that frowned far above the stream. Descending to the valley, we followed its course toward the Rhone with the ruins of feudal "bourgs" crowning the crags above us. It was dusk when we reached the village of Senas tired with the day's march.

The middle class, often called by the French word bourgeoisie because it dwelt in towns or bourgs, was strongest in England, the foremost commercial nation of Europe, was somewhat weaker in France, and very much weaker in less commercial countries, such as Germany, Austria, and Russia. If the bourgeoisie was all-powerful in the world of business, it was influential in other spheres.

Sire, I found only charred ruins. Your Majesty knows how Huguenot bourgs are dealt with. 'And she ? Berenger answered but by a look. 'Why did you come to tell me this? said the King, passionately. 'Do you not know that they have killed me already? I thought you came because there was still some one I could aid. 'There is, there is, Sire, said Berenger, for once interrupting royalty.

IV. Provincial Administration. The administrative staff in the provinces. Jacobinism less in the departmental towns than in Paris. Less in the country than in the towns. The Revolutionary Committees in the small communes. Municipal bodies lukewarm in the villages. Jacobins too numerous in bourgs and small towns.

This reservoir in each department or district is the Jacobin nursery of the principal town; from this, they are sent into the bourgs and communes of the conscription. The central Jacobin nursery for France is in Paris, from whence they are dispatched to the towns and departments. V. Jacobins sent to the Provinces. Importation of a staff of strangers. Paris Jacobins sent into the provinces.

D'Artagnan, aware of the consequences of a fall, which would result in a cold bath, allowed him to go as he liked, contenting himself with looking at, on the horizon, three rocks, that rose up like lance-blades from the bosom of the plain, destitute of verdure. Pirial, the bourgs of Batz and Le Croisic, exactly resembling each other, attracted and suspended his attention.

These involuntary recruits are evidently nothing more than common laborers; if they drag along the revolutionary cart they do it like their horses, because they are pressed into the service. Above the small communes, in the large villages possessing a revolutionary committee, and also in certain bourgs, the horses in harness often pretend to draw and do not, for fear of crushing some one.

By this time it had become known as Marly-le-Roi, in distinction to the other bourgs, and the king built a chateau-royal, variously known as the Palais and the Ermitage.

And it will always be thus, so long as there are lords in the seignories, bourgeois in the bourgs, and peasants in the country." "And against whom do you thus rebel?" inquired the king; "against your bailiffs? against your lords?" "Sometimes; that depends. Against the duke, also, sometimes." Louis XI. returned and seated himself, saying, with a smile,

D'Artagnan, aware of the consequences of a fall, which would result in a cold bath, allowed him to go as he liked, contenting himself with looking at, on the horizon, three rocks, that rose up like lance-blades from the bosom of the plain, destitute of verdure. Piriac, the bourgs of Batz and Le Croisic, exactly resembling each other, attracted and suspended his attention.