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But, according to the narrative, Herod never conceived the idea of slaughtering the children till he found that he had been 'mocked of the wise men; and the mythical nature of the story is betrayed by this anticipation of motives which, at the time spoken of could have no existence.

"It was," he said, "the one thing you showed during your illness during your unconscious condition." "And yet I remember nothing of that time," I said. "This gives me an opportunity of asking you something an opportunity which I had determined to make for myself before another day went by." "And what is that?" he said, in a tone that betrayed some uneasiness.

It was difficult to distinguish exactly where his head and body joined in that circle of glistening hair; only a black satin nose and a tiny tip of pink tongue betrayed the secret. Dr. Silence watched him, and felt comfortable. The collie's breathing was soothing. The fire was well built, and would burn for another two hours without attention. He was not conscious of the least nervousness.

"No, no," cried the mortified Cecilia, who from the moment she found herself betrayed, believed herself to be lost, "far other is the effect it will have! and the same mad folly by which I am ruined in my own esteem, will ruin me in yours! I cannot endure to think of it! why will you persist in detaining me?

Will the avalanche be stopped, or will it not? Will the Bourbons than whom history has known no more interesting and more unsatisfactory race, except our own Stuarts will the Bourbons fall, Senor Padre? 'Ah! said Concha, whose furrowed face and pessimistic glance betrayed nothing. 'Ah! 'You will not tell me, of course.

On two occasions her fortune has failed her, on two occasions she has found herself discovered and betrayed; and on these two occasions it was to one fatal genius, sent doubtlessly by the Lord to combat her, that she has succumbed. D'Artagnan has conquered her her, that invincible power of evil.

I asked myself these things as I sat spinning theories about her in my arbor and the bees droned in the flowers. There hovered about her name a perfume of reckless passion, an intimation that she had not been exactly as the respectable young person in general. Was this a sign that her singer had betrayed her, had given her away, as we say nowadays, to posterity?

Hobson would be at liberty in a few moments. Scott rightly judged that this ceremony was merely enacted for effect, and contented himself with looking about the small, poorly furnished room, while the office boy opposite regarded him with an undisguised curiosity, which betrayed that this client if such he could be regarded differed greatly from the usual class.

For an instant she was tempted to tell him all she had seen and heard a few days before, to accuse him of disloyalty, and then prove it. Her face betrayed her agitation, but Alden was looking out across the valley, and did not see. In his pocket the letter for Edith lay consciously, as though it were alive. "It isn't that you don't love me, is it?" he asked, curiously.

Motley, whose ardent temperament gave life to his writings, betrayed his sympathies in the disputes of which he told the story, in a way to insure sharp criticism from those of a different way of thinking.