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In the vestibule they found a servant from the lady Berenike; in his mistress's name he desired Euryale to send Melissa to spend the night with her. This invitation, which would remove Melissa from the Serapeum, was welcome to them both, and the matron herself accompanied the young girl down a private staircase leading to a small side-door.

Follow Argutis at once to the lady Berenike. I can not accompany you, for it lies with me to occupy for the next few hours the attention of the body-physician, from whom you have the most to fear. He has consented to go with me to my garden across the water. There I promised him a delicious, real Alexandrian feast, and you know how gladly Polybius will seize the opportunity to share it with him.

The magnificent golden jug set with jewels, out of which the lady Berenike poured the Byblos wine for you, is there too! Are we still soldiers, or robbers and murderers?" "If we are," cried Apollinaris, "I know who has made us so." They were startled by the approaching rattle of arms in the corridor, and then a loud knock at the chamber-door.

The generous Roman had even given his enemy's former tutor a fine house, to show him that he was glad to have him in Alexandria and near his person. The widow Berenike, Barine's mother, was warmly attached to her only brother, who often joined her daughter's guests.

It is perfectly certain, nevertheless, that it was a praetorian his name is Rufus, and he belongs to the second cohort who pierced the lady Berenike with his spear." Flavius here begged to be allowed to speak, and reported how Berenike had sought and found her end.

The generous Roman had even given his enemy's former tutor a fine house, to show him that he was glad to have him in Alexandria and near his person. The widow Berenike, Barine's mother, was warmly attached to her only brother, who often joined her daughter's guests.

Barine nodded gratefully to Archibius, brought the distaff to her mother, poured water into the wine in the mixing vessel, and after at first leaning comfortably back among the cushions, she soon bent forward in a listening attitude, with her elbow propped on her knee, and her chin supported by her hand. Berenike drew the flax from the distaff, at first slowly, then faster and faster.

And the senator, whose black eyes had rested with pleasure on Melissa's rare beauty, promptly replied, "And if she had come for the veriest trifle she would be no less welcome to me." "Let me hear no more of such speeches," Berenike exclaimed with some annoyance. "Now, my child, be quick. What about your brother?"

She must weigh and ponder over many things in absolute quietude, and this she could not obtain at Lochias. Then her glance rested upon the little sanctuary of Berenike, which she had ordered removed to make room for a garden near at hand, where the children could indulge their love of creative work. It was empty. She need fear no interruption there.

The details of the plan were then settled by Archibius, Anukis, and Berenike, who was with the family of Arius, and the decision was communicated to the architect. Archibius had maintained the same silence concerning the destination of the fugitives towards the men composing the council and Barine's mother as to his sister.