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On the very night of his interview with Zebehr, and within forty-eight hours of his arrival in Cairo, General Gordon and his English companion, with four Egyptian officers, left by train for Assiout, en route to Khartoum.

This fellow is coming for me. I'll be back in a quarter of an hour." He nodded to them both and went out to the orderly, who followed his footsteps to the palace. "You've forgiven me for everything for everything at Assiout, I mean?" he asked. "I have no desire to remember," she answered. "About Gordon what is it?" "Ah, yes, about Gordon!" She drew herself up a little.

The crops are raised on it; the houses and villages are built of it; the land is manured with it; the very air is full of it. The crude brick buildings that dissolve in dust are Nile mud solidified; the red pottery of Assiout is Nile mud baked hard; the village mosques and minarets are Nile mud whitewashed. I have even seen a ship's bulwarks neatly repaired with mud.

At Assiout one night we heard some one calling from the bank in English: "Lady, lady, give me some English books. I am a Christian. I can read English. Give me a Bible. I go to the American college. I want to be a preacher." I leaned over the railing and discerned a very black boy, whose name, he said, was Solomon. I was so surprised to hear "Bible" instead of "backsheesh" that I investigated.

In any case, there she was at Assiout, and there she had been for years, and no accident had come to her; and, during the three months she was at Cairo every year, pleading against slavery and the corvee, she increased steadily the respect in which she was held; but she was considered mad as Gordon.

He laughed long and low, and looked at Dicky out of the corner of his eye. "Good-looking lot I sent you, eh?" "Oosters, every one of 'em. Butter wouldn't melt in their mouths. I learnt their grin, it suits my style of beauty." Dicky fitted the action to the word. "You'll start with me in the morning to Assiout?" "I can start, but life and time are short." "You think I can't and won't marry her?"

And then you can take the train straight to Luxor and buy some clothes there." "But the train I can't travel in this! And there would be people on it who would talk " "Had we better make it to Assiout then?" said Billy doubtfully. "Once in the city, of course, you'd be safe " "How far is Assiout from Luxor? Where are we now?" "We're Alice in Wonderland about that.

True, Donovan Pasha had steadily worked for the reduction of the corvee, and had, in the name of the Khedive, steadily reduced private corvee, but he had never set his face against slavery, save to see that no slave-dealing was permitted below Assouan. Yet, with her own eyes she had seen Abyssinian slaves sold in the market-place of Assiout.

The Loulia was moored at Keneh, not far from the temple of Denderah. She had been sent up the river from Assiout, where Baroudi had left her when he had finished his business affairs and was ready to start for Cairo. It was Nigel's wish that he and his wife should join her there. "Denderah was the first temple you and I saw together," he said. "Let's see it more at our leisure.

But Fielding, as he rode on Selamlik Pasha's gorgeous black donkey from Assiout, with its crimson trappings, knew what proportion of improvement this "hankypanky," as Dicky called it, bore to the condition of things at the last inspection.