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Gallilee's overflowing geniality instantly flooded the absent doctor. He was rude, he was ugly; but what an inestimable friend! what admirable advice! In Ovid's state of health he must not write letters; his mother would write and thank the doctor, and ask for introductions to local grandees who occupied a position in colonial society.

But if the people wish to take an active part in the government, immediately they are treated, like Sancho Panza, on that occasion when the squire, having become sovereign over an island on terra firma, made an attempt at dinner to eat the viands set before him. "Now we ought to parody this admirable scene in the management of our homes.

"I must ask you, Sergeant, to make this man produce his papers. I have reason to doubt whether he is in order." The Corporal began to expostulate, but the Sergeant adopted the none-of-that-I-know-all-about-your-sort attitude which is so admirable in these officials. The Corporal produced some papers and tendered them indignantly.

The analysis of a state of mind, pursued in Sordello with an effort that is sometimes fatiguing and not always successful, is presently followed by a superb portrait like that of Salinguerra painted by the artist, not the analyst, and so admirable is it that in our infirmity we are tempted to believe that the process of flaying and dissection alters the person of a man or woman as Swift has said, considerably for the worse.

"The Athenian judges acquitted Phryne because she was beautiful." "They did wrong." "Hardly in the eyes of the gods, whose fairest works must deserve our respect." "Still poison may be kept in the most beautiful vessels." "And yet body and soul always to a certain extent correspond." "And can you dare to call the handsome Verus the admirable Verus?"

Admirable Pamela! said he; excellent girl! Surely thy sentiments are superior to those of all thy sex! I might have addressed a hundred fine ladies; but never, surely, could have had reason to admire one as I do you.

Samuel Johnson says, "Whoever wishes to attain an English style, familiar but not coarse, and elegant but not ostentatious, must give his days and nights to the study of Addison." Benjamin Franklin, as we know from his Autobiography, followed this advice with admirable results. Addison's style seems as natural and easy as the manners of a well-bred person.

He thought of the old cathedrals where quivered that faith of nations; he pictured the former attributes of worship the images, the goldsmith's work, the saints in wood and stone all of admirable power and beauty of expression.

And perhaps, there is one reason, why a comic writer should of all others be the least excused for deviating from nature, since it may not be always so easy for a serious poet to meet with the great and the admirable; but life everywhere furnishes an accurate observer with the ridiculous.

The great prisoner was carried to the rear, where he immediately asked for food and drink, and fell to with an appetite, while the pursuit and slaughter went on in all directions. The archduke, too, whose personal conduct throughout the day was admirable, had been slightly wounded by a halberd stroke on the ear.