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With a supporting surface of 150 square feet the machine weighed 946 lbs., about 6.4 lbs. per square foot of lifting surface. The Curtiss biplane, as flown by Glenn Curtiss at the Rheims meeting, was built with a bamboo framework, stayed by means of very fine steel-stranded cables.

The Army consisted at the date of the last consolidated return of 2,103 officers and 24,946 enlisted men. The expenses of the Department for the last fiscal year were $36,990,903.38, including $6,294,305.43 for public works and river and harbor improvements.

When this matter was deposited on the summit of S. Cristoval, the water must have stood 946 feet above the surface of the surrounding plain. Eck. This tuff appears to the eye nearly pure; but when placed in acid it leaves a considerable residue of sand and broken crystals, apparently of feldspar. Dr.

NAVY DEPARTMENT: Navy Department proper 116,101,730.24 117,029,914.38 119,768,860.83 119,596,870.46 3,667,130.59 3,495,140.22 + 171,990.37 New navy building program 12,840,428.00 12,844,122.00 12,844,122.00 14,790,122.00 3,694.00 1,949,694.00 1,946,000.00

This event happened in the year 946, and in the sixth year of the king’s reign. Edmund left male issue, but so young, that they were incapable of governing the kingdom; and his brother, Edred, was promoted to the throne.

The population of Canada East or Lower Canada in 1844 was made up as follows: French Canadians, 524,244; English Canadians. 85,660; English, 11,895; Irish, 43,982; Scotch, 13,393; Americans, 11,946; born in other countries, 1329; place of birth not specified, 4635. In the reform movement in Upper Canada there were a multiplicity of leaders and a constant shifting of groups.

Rush. vol. iii. p. 946. * Burnet's Memoirs, p. 154 Rush. vol. iii. p. 951. Rush. vol. iii. p. 958, etc. And on account of these claims, which might have been foreseen, was the war renewed; with great advantages on the side of the Covenanters and disadvantages on that of the king.

A lot in the town, of half an acre, and another on the common, of about six acres, supposed, 400 u Two well-situated and handsome buildings, to the amount of £150, 800 v STOCK. Dollars. United States 6 per cent. 3,746 Ditto, deferred, 1,873 Ditto, 3 per cent. 2,946 2,500 6,246 w

At the close of the month the same proportion was pretty fairly maintained, the numbers being: for Ulster, 45,487; for Leinster, 69,585; for Connaught, 119,946; and for Munster, 163,213. According to the Census of 1841, there were in Ulster 439,805 families; in Leinster, 362,134; in Connaught, 255,694; and in Munster, 415,154.

Total Charge Males Females Arrests Assault and Battery 6,077 1,667 7,744 Assault with intent to kill 197 1 198 Attempt at rape 40 40 Abortion 2 2 4 Bastardy 141 141 Bigamy 14 5 19 Disorderly conduct 8,542 5,412 13,954 Intoxication 11,482 4,936 16,418 Juvenile delinquents 154 25 179 Kidnapping 20 5 25 Suspicious persons 1,617 440 2,057 Vagrancy 978 838 1,816 Arson 35 35 Attempts to steal 236 9 245 Burglary 291 3 294 Forgery 151 3 154 Fraud 104 17 121 Grand Larceny 1,675 946 2,621 Gambling 249 3 252 Highway robbery 199 6 205 Keeping disorderly house 177 165 342 Picking pockets 225 20 275 Petit larceny 3,380 1,860 5,240 Passing counterfeit money 414 46 460 Receiving stolen goods 166 51 217 Swindling 5 3 8 Violations of the Sunday laws 183 20 203