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Notice, however, that as soon as these terms are turned into complete sentences, they may well serve as explanation or as proof: During the twenty-five year period ending in 1905 there occurred in the United States 36,757 strikes. Labor organizations directed about two-thirds of these strikes. The building trades have had more strikes than has any other industry.

Legislature $13,426,805.73 $13,169,679.70 $13,169,679.70 $12,938,048.00 + $257,126.03 + $488,757.73 + $231,631.70 Executive 998,170.00 472,270.00 722,270.00 870,750.00 + 275,900.00 + 127,420.00 148,480.00 State Department: 4,875,576.41 4,875,301.41 4,749,801.41 5,046,701.41 + 125,775.00 171,125.00 296,900.00

Music is of very ancient origin in France: in 554 profane singing was forbidden on holy days; in 757, King Pepin received a present of an organ, from Constantin VI; a tremendous quarrel occurred between the Roman and Gallic musicians, in the time of Charlemagne, and two professors are cited, named Benedict and Theodore, who were pupils of St.

Marriage was contracted by the simple consent of the parties, though in early times, equality of condition was required. The lex Canuleia, A. U. C. 309, authorized connubium between patricians and plebeians, and the lex Julia, A. U. C. 757, allowed it between freedmen and freeborn.

This demand was granted, but as after all the play was withdrawn, Emile de Girardin did not receive his money. However, he was paid in the end, as he wrote Balzac a receipt dated December 30th, 1848, for 757 francs 75 centimes, a sum which included legal expenses as well as the original debt.

Three hundred and six of the 757 delegates were sworn supporters of Grant pledged to die, if they died at all, "with their boots on," one of their leaders said. In each of the big delegations those from New York, Pennsylvania and Illinois a minority was unfavorable to Grant.

The Department of Agriculture estimates the net income of agriculture for the year 1920-21 at only $375,000,000; for 1924-25, $2,656,000,000; for 1925-26, $2,757,000,000. This increase has been brought about in part by the method already referred to, of Federal tax reduction, the elimination of waste, and increased efficiency in industry.

In 1862 the lease by which the company had been successfully operated for seven years expired, and by a reorganization the present company was formed. Advent of Steel Rails. A new era in the manufacture of iron and steel was now about to dawn upon the American people. In this year 1870 there were 49,757 tons of steel produced in the United States, while in 1880 the production was 1,058,314 tons.

But the census of 1850 was seriously defective, and we would better take the census of 1860 as the basis of our comparison. In 1860 the census showed a total prison population of 19,086, which was one prisoner to every 1647 of the population. In 1890 the census showed 82,329 prisoners in the total population, which was one in every 757.

The law pursues the natural child even to its legitimate descent, on the ground that benefactions done to grandchildren reach the natural son through that medium. This is shown by articles 757, 908, and 911 of the civil Code.