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See the illustrations in Perrot and Chiplez, History of Art in Chaldea, etc., i. 143, 255. See the illustrations in Perrot and Chiplez, ib., i. 194, 256, 257. On seal cylinders altar titles are frequently represented. See Schick, Die Stiftshütte, etc., pp. 119 seq. Keils Bibl. 3, 1, p. 13; see also p. 89. Inscription G, col 1. ll. 15-17. See p. 621.

Docs., IX., 570, 619, 621; Margry, VI., 507-509, 553, 653-4; Minn. Hist. Colls., V., 422, 425; Wis. Hist. Hist. Settlement was not the object of the French in the Northwest. The authorities saw as clearly as do we that the field was too vast for the resources of the colony, and they desired to hold the region as a source of peltries, and contract their settlements.

In course of time Khin, as is well known, superseded the dynasty of Kau, having gradually moved its capital more and more to the east. The people of Khin were, no doubt, mainly composed of the wild tribes of the west. There is no difficulty or difference in the interpretation of this piece; and it brings us down to B.C. 621.

With them were the Nizam's army, nominally commanded by Meer Alum, but really by Colonel Wellesley afterwards Duke of Wellington who had with him his own regiment, the 33rd; 6,500 men under Colonel Dalrymple; 3,621 infantry, for the most part French troops who had re-enlisted under us; and 6000 regular and irregular horse.

He sent a message to the king, who was not far distant; expressed his contrition for his faults; and entreated the favour of a visit, that he might at least die with the satisfaction of having obtained his forgiveness. Neust. p. 451. Bened. Abb. p. 383. Abb. p. 393. Hoveden, p. 621. The behaviour of his surviving children did not tend to give the king any consolation for the loss.

With American countries the value of our exports has increased from $44,160,285 to $54,613,598, an increase of $10,453,313, or 23.67 per cent. The total increase in the value of exports to all the countries with which we have reciprocity agreements has been $20,772,621. This increase is chiefly in wheat, flour, meat, and dairy products and in manufactures of iron and steel and lumber.

He was passionately devoted to music and to ladies, and it was indeed from a lady that he had his early death, for he continued to kiss her after she had taken the plague. No.621 is the finer. The way in which the baby is being held in the other indicates how little Giorgione thought of verisimilitude. The colour was the thing.

There were 621,754 of these applications allowed, including 60,178 to the soldiers of 1812 and their widows. The total amount paid for pensions since 1861 is $808,624,811.57. The number of new pensions allowed during the year ended June 30, 1886, is 40,857, a larger number than has been allowed in any year save one since 1861.

Of this amount $3,386,621.34 will be required to pay the interest on the public debt, leaving the sum of $63,328,307.45 for the estimated ordinary expenditures during the fiscal year ending 30th June, 1861. Upon these estimates a balance will be left in the Treasury on the 30th June, 1861, of $13,891,879.61.

Such was the condition of Moorish Spain, when two young heroes seated themselves, nearly at the same time, on the thrones of the two principal Christian states; and, after having allayed the commotions created during the period of their minority, directed their concentrated efforts against the Mussulmans, A.D. 1224, Heg. 621.