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If, for instance, one cubic centimeter chameleon solution corresponds to 0.01 gramme iron, the figure for manganese is 0.01 x 0.295 = 0.00295 gramme per cubic centimeter.

So that the gross of the people were carried off in these two months; for, as the whole number which was brought in to die of the plague was but 68,590, here is 50,000 of them, within a trifle, in two months; I say 50,000, because, as there wants 295 in the number above, so there wants two days of two months in the account of time.

One and all they served the Commission and the State faithfully and efficiently. The State received a total of 295 awards, divided as follows: A grand prize for installation, a grand prize for the collective State exhibit of fruit, 19 gold medals, 142 silver medals and 132 bronze medals.

Of Spanish troops there were 19,295 on board: there were 8252 sailors and 2088 galley-slaves. Besides these, there was a force of noble volunteers, belonging to the most illustrious houses of Spain, with their attendants amounting to nearly 2000 in all.

Walpole informed me some time ago, that in the catalogue of Harleian MSS. in the British Museum, there is a volume of papers relating to Charles V., it is No. 295. I do not expect much from it, but it would be extremely obliging if you would take the trouble of looking into it and of informing me in general what it contains.

It may have been that they could not endure the confined life in the pueblos, or villages, to which they were restricted by law. But, from some cause or other, they died out, and that before far inferior numbers of invaders. In 1783, when the numbers of the whites were only 126, of the free coloured 295, and of the slaves 310, the Indians numbered only 2032.

Compare the following pages of the Nouvelle Decouverte with the corresponding pages of Le Clercq: Hennepin, 252, Le Clercq, ii. 217; H. 253, Le C. ii. 218; H. 257, Le C. ii. 221; H. 259, Le C. ii. 224; H. 262, Le C. ii. 226; H. 265, Le C. ii. 229; H. 267, Le C. ii. 283; H. 270, Le C. ii. 235; H. 280, Le C. ii. 240; H. 295, Le C. ii. 249; H. 296, Le C. ii. 250; H. 297, Le C. ii. 253; H. 299, Le C. ii. 254; H. 301, Le C. ii. 257.

They numbered at the latest date of enumeration 12,295, and have a reservation of 3,215,495 acres in the eastern and central part of the Territory. They are not generally so far advanced as the Cherokees, Choctaws, and Chickasaws, but are making rapid progress, and will doubtless, in a few years, rank in all respects with their neighbors, the three tribes just named.

Fragment on Mackintosh, p. 314. Analysis, ii. 42. 'Odd, because Brown was six years younger than Mill. 'Education, p. 6. Analysis, i. 52. Analysis, i. xvii. Ibid. i. 70. Analysis, i. 71. Ibid. i. 78. Ibid. i. 83. Analysis, ii. 42. Ibid. i. 270. Ibid. i. 111. Ibid. i. 362. Analysis, i. 154 n. Ibid. i. 161. Analysis, i. 189. Ibid. i. 163 n. Ibid. i. 266. Ibid. i. 269. Ibid. i. 295.

Of Spanish troops there were 19,295 on board: there were 8252 sailors and 2088 galley-slaves. Besides these, there was a force of noble volunteers, belonging to the most illustrious houses of Spain, with their attendants amounting to nearly 2000 in all.