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He dhraws wan twinty-five a day whin he wurruks. "He come in here th' other night to talk over matthers; an' I was stewin' in me shirt, an' sayin' cross things to all th' wurruld fr'm th' tail iv me eye. ''Tis hot, says I. ''Tis war-rum, he says. ''Tis dam hot, says I. 'Well, he says, ''tis good weather f'r th' crops, he says. 'Things grows in this weather.

Th' throuble with th' race we're bringin' up is that th' fair sect, as Shakespeare calls thim, lacks inthrest in their jooty to their husbands. It's th' business iv men to fight, an' th' business iv their wives f'r to make thim fight. Ye may talk iv th' immyrality iv nailin' a man on th' jaw, but 'tis in this way on'y that th' wurruld increases in happiness an' th' race in strenth.

Ah! look at him, will ye? He'll be denyin' of it in a minit may the blessin' uv God folly him. Look at him, miss! Ah, but it's a swate pair ye'd make! He stopped out of breath. I was so completely astounded I could say nothing: the tremendous indictment I had framed to utter as I opened the door vanished completely. And as the Most Beautiful Eyes in the Wurruld turned gratefully to mine well

Aw, shure then, I know you said it, because, didn't she tell it all to Norah Doyle, and didn't Norah tell Nolan, and me sittin' by and glad enough that the cleverest man betune here and the other side of the wurruld talked her round! Aw, how you talk, y'r anner! Shure, isn't it the wonder that you don't talk the dead back to the wurruld out of which you help them?

'Tis a sthrange thing whin we come to think iv it that th' less money a man gets f'r his wurruk, th' more nicissry it is to th' wurruld that he shud go on wurrukin'. Ye'er boss can go to Paris on a combination wedding an' divoorce thrip an' no wan bothers his head about him. But if ye shud go to Paris excuse me f'r laughin' mesilf black in th' face th' industhrees iv the counthry pines away.

That Jew man 'd been champeen iv th' wurruld if all iv him cud 've kept out iv close quarthers with th' man again him. "I don't quarrel with Jools' feelin's, mind ye. 'Tis th' histhry iv th' wurruld that th' Jews takes our watches fr'm us be tin per cint a month, an' we take thim back be means iv a jimmy an' a piece iv lead pipe. They're on'y two known methods iv finance, bankin' an' burglary.

"Yes, Patsy, what was it?" urged the other. "Shure, he criticized you. He called you 'Squills, and said you'd helped more people intil the wurruld than out of it." "You call that criticism. Patsy?" "Whichever way you look at it, hasn't it an ugly face? Is it a kindness to man to bring him into the wurruld? That's wan way of lookin' at it.

You're a slave to come and to go, with a Queen's seal on the promissory." Macavoy leaned back and roared. "Aw, that! The rose o' the valley the joy o' the wurruld! S't, Pierre " his voice grew softer on a sudden, as a fresh thought came to him "did y' ever think that the child might be dumb like the mother?"

God forgive the black heart of him, shtandin' out there cursin' the wide wurruld!" The Avocat looked at the Sergeant's wife musingly, the fingers of his hands tapping together, but he did not speak: he was becoming wiser all in a moment as to the ways of women. "An' now he's in bed, the shtrappin' blasphemer, fur the could he got shtandin' there in the snow cursin' the wide wurruld.

You're a slave to come and to go, with a Queen's seal on the promissory." Macavoy leaned back and roared. "Aw, that! The rose o' the valley the joy o' the wurruld! S't, Pierre " his voice grew softer on a sudden, as a fresh thought came to him "did y' ever think that the child might be dumb like the mother?"