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From now I leave off all petty decorations. Lord of my heart, no more shall there be for me waiting and weeping in corners, no more coyness and sweetness of demeanour. Thou hast given me thy sword for adornment. No more doll's decorations for me! Beautiful is thy wristlet, decked with stars and cunningly wrought in myriad-coloured jewels.

On its return blood from a fowl or, if people are well to do, from a pig that has been sacrificed, is smeared on its forehead and chest, and a name is given. The presence of the blian not being required, the parents give the name, which is taken from a plant, tree, flower, animal, or fish. A wristlet is placed around each wrist and the name is not changed later in life.

I haven't seen the histrionic Verrian yet." They were laughing when the curtain rose, and the histrionic Verrian had his innings for a long, long first act. When the curtain fell she turned to the literary Verrian and said, "Well?" "He lasted a good while," Verrian returned. "Yes. Didn't he?" She looked at the little watch in her wristlet. "A whole hour! Do you know, Mr.

Beautiful is thy wristlet, decked with starry gems; but thy sword, O lord of thunder, is wrought with uttermost beauty, terrible to behold or think of. I asked nothing from thee; I uttered not my name to thine ear. When thou took'st thy leave I stood silent.

There were also many fragments of rope, string, cord, and loosely twisted bands, resembling head bands for carrying burdens. Several shell and turquois beads were found, but my limited studies of the cliff-houses revealed only a few other ornaments, among them being beads of turkey-bone and a single wristlet fashioned from a Pectunculus.

"Now," said they, "you have been punished for taking the wristlet out of the chamber of the mysterious butte." Some time after this a young man went to the butte and saw engraved on the wall a woman holding in her hand a pole, with which she was holding up a large amount of beef which had been laid across another pole, which had broken in two from the weight of so much meat.

With a wand he beats time slowly. Kitty Ricketts, a bony pallid whore in navy costume, doeskin gloves rolled back from a coral wristlet, a chain purse in her hand, sits perched on the edge of the table swinging her leg and glancing at herself in the gilt mirror over the mantelpiece. A tag of her corsetlace hangs slightly below her jacket. ZOE: More limelight, Charley.

When sewing it into the sweater, place the longest part at the shoulder seam and stretch the armhole while sewing it in. Wristlets These are made of round or flat web. Each wristlet requires one and one-half yards. Measure five inches, the length of the wristlet, and turn. Start sewing from this point and sew to the end of the five inches and turn again.

"I don't fancy that water-hole," said Wilmshurst. "It savours of mosquitoes and other pests. How goes the time?" Danvers consulted his wristlet watch. "Nearly four o'clock," he announced. "If we are to be in camp by eight we'll have to look slippy." A rustling sound in the grass within a few yards of the spot where the hunters were standing attracted their attention.

When they travelled they were carried on the backs of men; but the king journeyed in a litter supported on shafts. Among the Ibo people about Awka, in Southern Nigeria, the priest of the Earth has to observe many taboos; for example, he may not see a corpse, and if he meets one on the road he must hide his eyes with his wristlet.