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He seemed to be very pleased that the chief had got back safely. "How did you manage to get here at night, Vassily Fedotitch? We didn't expect you until tomorrow." "Oh, that's all right, Gavrilla. It's much nicer walking at night." The most unusually friendly relations existed between Solomin and his workpeople.

Superintending the various works and a hundred other duties kept me busy all day long, while my evenings were given up to settling disputes among the coolies, hearing reports and complaints from the various jemadars and workpeople, and in studying the Swahili language.

The day before yesterday, August 17th, after such rumoring and such manoeuvring as there has been, six Russian ships-of-war showed themselves in Colberg Roads, and three of them tried some shooting on Heyde's workpeople, busy at a redoubt on the beach; but hit nothing, and went away till Romanzow himself should come. "SEPTEMBER 4th.

"I could not help contrasting," says Kohl, "the pleasing aspect of these streets with the close and noisy workrooms in woolen and cotton manufactories. There the workpeople are all separated and classified according to age and sex, and marshaled like soldiers. Their domestic and family ties are rudely broken.

Any coal-owner, or iron-master, or cotton-spinner, will tell you of the high wages that he pays to his workpeople. Families employed in the cotton manufacture are able to earn over three pounds a week, according to the number of the children employed.

The experiments were to a certain extent brought to an end by the greed or laziness of the colliers, who have for a time destroyed the prosperity of the iron trade. Messrs. Greening and Co. started with great enthusiasm; and the results were very successful as regards the workpeople. Nothing could have been better than the spirit of goodwill, and even devotion, which was displayed by many of them.

Faith felt a warmth toward Paul as he said this, which was more a drawing of the heart than he had gained from her by all the rest. "My father says he will keep him here, if money can do it. He never goes to church at Lakeside, now. It needs just such a man among mill villages like these, he says. My father thinks a great deal of his workpeople.

She added in a hurried undertone to Annie: "I've asked a number of the workpeople to stay representative workpeople, the foremen in the different shops and their families and you'll find your friends of all classes together. It's a great day for the Social Union!" she said aloud. "I'm sure you must feel that, Mr. Peck.

A group of workpeople stood near by; and Deleah remembered afterwards that there was about them and the rest an air of suspending something they were saying or doing while their chief and the girl at his side walked to the great entrance gates.

We spent our days taking long walks in the cultivated fields, stepping on banks between the canals, or abrs. There were many trees, and acres of dukhan grown for making oil, gilgil, and other crops; and the shade, the birds, the greenery, and water made it a pleasant relief from the sandy mounds. The workpeople are slaves of the subordinate race of Hagheri. There are really very few Arabs.