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Wisbech, however, had not very far to go, and, though it entailed an occasional stumble, he endeavoured to look about him. He was progressing along the side of the wonderful Fraser gorge, which is the great channel clearly provided by Nature for the commerce of the mountain province, and he was impressed by the spectacle upon which he gazed.

"Well, well, lad, it shall be as you say, for indeed I am but a poor hand at talking, but believe me that I feel as grateful as if I could express myself rightly, and that the Earl of Wisbech cannot feel one whit more thankful to you for having saved the lives of his three children than I do for your having saved my Nellie from the consequences of her own folly.

Wisbech appeared to notice it, for he looked hard at Acton. Then he made an abrupt gesture. "It's my nephew's affair," he said. "Oh, yes!" returned Acton, significantly. "Any way, I'll go ashore with him, as soon as George has the gig ready." Acton and Nasmyth were rowed off together half an hour later, and they walked up through the hot main street of the little colliery town.

This scheme in the cañon is the first big thing I have ever undertaken. I can't quite make the way that I look at it clear to you, but" and he brought one hand down on the table in an emphatic fashion "I feel that I must go on until it breaks me or I put it through." Wisbech noisily thrust his chair back, and Acton laughed a laugh that had a faint ring in it.

This influence of his, indeed, is a thing almost unique, and it has perhaps never yet been succinctly examined and appraised. Born at Wisbech in 1756, the son of a dissenting minister, he himself was thoroughly educated for the Presbyterian ministry, and for some five years discharged its functions. He also did a certain amount of tutoring.

Wisbech felt inclined to hold his breath as he watched Nasmyth climb down the face of the trestle, but in another minute or two he was clambering up again with several other men behind him. There was another hoot of the whistle, and, as Wisbech glanced up the track, a great locomotive broke out from among the pines.

My Lords," he said to the little group of gentlemen, who had been standing a few paces away while this conversation had been going on, "I would have you know Sir Cyril Shenstone, the son of a faithful adherent of my father, and who, yesterday evening, saved the lives of the three daughters of My Lord of Wisbech in the fire at the Savoy.

Wisbech, who declared that it was evidently a hospitable land, and that he would be very pleased, went on with her; but he asked her nothing about Nasmyth as they walked beside the plodding oxen.

He had ascertained, as soon as he arrived, that the Earl of Wisbech and his family were down at his estate, near the place from which he took his title, and had at once written to Sydney, from whom he received an answer on the last day of his stay at Oxford. It contained a warm invitation for him to come down to Wisbech. "You say you will be going to Norwich to take possession of your estate.

Nasmyth is expecting you?" she asked. "No," said Wisbech and a little twinkle, which she found vaguely reassuring, crept into his eyes "I don't think he is. In all probability he thinks I am still in England. Perhaps, I had better tell you that I am going to Japan and home by India.