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Updated: August 21, 2024

What is your motive for coming to me? Thus addressed by the king, the high-souled Krishna, well-skilled in speech, thus replied unto the monarch in a calm and grave voice. "Krishna said, 'O king, know us for Snataka Brahmanas. Brahmanas and Kshatriyas and Vaishyas are all, O monarch, competent to observe the vow of Snataka.

And what an incident it was, the two well-skilled and accomplished literary critics exerting themselves, the one to secure the best aid of his friend, the other eager to assist, because his friend wished it. He had already my letter, turned it over and over again, but without result.

How did they that rushed against Drona, arrayed in order of battle and well-skilled in smiting, viz., the Srinjaya and the Panchalas, fight?

Vyasa the son of Parasara, after the arrival of his puissant son, continued to dwell there on the Himavat engaged in teaching his disciples and his son. One day as he was seated, his disciples, all well-skilled in the Vedas, having their senses under control, and endued with tranquil souls, sat themselves around him. All of them had thoroughly mastered the Vedas with their branches.

In reply, I can only plead that a discovery which seems to contradict the general tenor of previous investigations is naturally received with much hesitation. To have undertaken in 1832, with a view of testing its truth, to follow the Belgian philosopher through every stage of his observations and proofs, would have been no easy task even for one well-skilled in geology and osteology.

It was his opinion that the box had been opened and the door cut by the instrumentality and concurrence of Lord George de Bruce Carruthers, with the assistance of some well-skilled mechanical thief.

Having with their swords cut in pieces each other's beautiful shield, O king, decked with a hundred moons, those tigers among men, engaged themselves in a wrestling encounter. Both having broad chests, both having long arms, both well-skilled in wrestling, they encountered each other with their arms of iron that resembled spiked maces.

By the time she was in the best chamber, the last sour curl had disappeared from her mouth; and indeed all was snug and seemly therein; Dame Giovanna being well-skilled in giving things a neat appearance, well pleasing to the eye. Pernhart meanwhile had said but little, and his face was still dark, almost solemn of aspect.

The steeds of Jayadratha, well-skilled in bearing or drawing were all, O monarch, decked with yak-tails and ornaments of gold. And seven thousand such steeds, and three thousand other steeds of the Sindhu breed were with him.

Displaying fierce energy on the field of battle and the greatest assurance, those best of men have inspired us with great thoughts." And Krishna, who was well-skilled in grooming horses, then removed their fatigue, pain, froth, trembling and wounds. Then plucking out their arrows and rubbing those steeds with his own hands, and making them trot duly, he caused them to drink.

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