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He thought, quite impartially, that perhaps it was an excusable weakness, even though it was his own society that was the counter attraction. They were two nice-looking girls. This was how he put it, being no longer young, and father to one of them; naturally, the two young men would have described the attraction of Phoebe and Ursula more warmly.

I am still suffering very much from the effect of the stagnant waters; they have sent me back again nearly to my former state of weakness, and have assisted in checking my recovery from the scurvy, which is now again gaining ground upon me since I lost the vegetable food. The country being now so dry, there having been no late rain, there is not a blade of grass to be seen.

Then with a sudden rush of passionate grief, she cried: "Oh, why cannot I life and be happy, too?" and she sobbed till she lay exhausted on the mossy rock. Whether she had swooned, or from weakness had become unconscious, she did not know, when, considerably later, she roused herself from what seemed like a heavy and unrefreshing sleep.

Such weakness could not attract to M. de la Barre the affection of the colonists; the king relieved him from his functions, and appointed as his successor the Marquis de Denonville, a colonel of dragoons, whose valour seemed to promise the colony better days.

In his second and last speech, he saw the necessity of getting to that point but, alas, although he hustled through the column of stumbling blocks so rapidly that the audience hardly knew what he was talking about, just as he was about to reply to this much-paraded difficulty of mine and it really was the main weakness of his position down came the chairman's gavel.

"Are you hurt, Joan?" he asked, in foolish weakness, knowing very well that she was. "No, she didn't hurt me but I'll kill her for it!" said Joan. She was trembling; her face was bloodless in the cold anger that shook her. There was a red welt on her neck, purple-marked on its ridge where the rawhide had almost cut her tender skin.

Probably there never was a greater instance of the power of genius over the weakness of the flesh. Confined to her room in the country or city home of her father in England, Elizabeth Barrett developed into the great artist and scholar.

Then the bard stepped into the ring. And the ring was hushed, for wise is ever the counsel of him whose book is the human heart. "Hear the Saxons," said he, briefly, and with an air of command when addressing others, which contrasted strongly his tender respect to the King; "hear the Saxons, but not in these walls. Let no man from the foe see our strength or our weakness.

Market business! I wish there were no business in the warrld." Lucetta almost laughed she would quite have laughed but that there was a little emotion going in her at the time. "How you change!" she said. "You should not change like this. "I have never wished such things before," said the Scotchman, with a simple, shamed, apologetic look for his weakness.

6: We beseech God to aid all the leaves to attain the knowledge of the Tree and... We beseech God to aid all the leaves to attain the knowledge of the Tree and deprive them not of the ocean of His generosity. In this day no regard is paid to loftiness or lowliness, to poverty or wealth, to nobility and lineage, to weakness or might.