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"You're the D d d you're it, yourself, Harvey!" stammered Ned Vickery. "You'd better look out, Ned," Harvey giggled, "we're all a little nearer'n second cousins down here to Wallencamp. Ned's mother didn't use to let him go to school much, teacher," Harvey added, turning to me; "it used to wear him out luggin' home his 'Reward o' merit' cards."

The Victoria Cross was awarded to Lieutenant Pennell, who endeavoured under fire to bring in Captain Smith; to Piper Findlater, who though wounded in both legs still continued to blow his pipes; to Private Lawson for carrying Lieutenant Dingwall out of fire and returning to bring in another, being himself twice wounded; to Private Vickery and Colonel Mathias.

Vickery, to Amsterdam, visiting the old church, the palace, the Zoological Gardens, etc. Thence to Gouda and saw the stained-glass windows in the old church there, which I have so long desired to study. August 3. At 8.30 left The Hague and went by rail, via Cologne and Ehrenbreitstein, to Homburg, arriving in the evening. August 5. This morning resumed my duties as ambassador at Berlin.

Hooper swallowed his spittle and leaned forward intently. "Vickery touched me on the knee again. He was clickin' his four false teeth with his jaw down like an enteric at the last kick. 'Are you sure? says he. 'Sure, I says, 'didn't you 'ear Dawson give tongue? Why, it's the woman herself. 'I was sure before, he says, 'but I brought you to make sure. Will you come again with me to-morrow?

As a general rule Crocus never left 'is ship unless an' until he was 'oisted out with a winch, but when 'e went 'e would return noddin' like a lily gemmed with dew. We smothered him down below that night, but the things 'e said about Vickery as a fittin' playmate for a Warrant Officer of 'is cubic capacity, before we got him quiet, was what I should call pointed."

C.R. Drysdale founded the Malthusian League, and edited a periodical, The Malthusian, aided throughout by his wife, Dr. Alice Drysdale Vickery. He died in 1907. Hermann Rohleder, "Dr.

This way to the shillin' places! I went astern at once, protestin' because tickey seats better suited my so-called finances. 'Come on, says Vickery, 'I'm payin'. Naturally I abandoned Pratt and Dawson in anticipation o' drinks to match the seats. 'No, he says, when this was 'inted 'not now. Not now.

No details was ordered to accompany Master Vickery. He was told off first person singular as a unit -by himself." The marine whistled penetratingly. "That's what I thought," said Pyecroft. "I went ashore with him in the cutter an' 'e asked me to walk through the station. He was clickin' audibly, but otherwise seemed happy-ish.

Two days later he had pawned his surgical instruments redeemed and repawned his watch on more favourable terms and was rejoiced to find himself still the possessor of ten shillings. He remained stout of heart his faith in Providence still his strong comfort and the Vickery family, though he must have been constantly in their debt, were unfailingly kind and hospitable.

Thomas P. Cheney, R.C. Jackson, C.W. Vickery, L.M. Terrell, C.J. French, J.E. White, E.W. Warfield, H.J. McKusick, and W.G. Lovell, men who have risen from humble positions in the service, step by step, to their present positions of responsibility.