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But to what end did Ulysses make that journey? AEneas undertook it by the express commandment of his father's ghost. Anchises was likewise to instruct him how to manage the Italian war, and how to conclude it with his honour that is, in other words, to lay the foundations of that empire which Augustus was to govern.

The Prince of Eckmühl, however, from conviction, persisted in his point; he undertook to accomplish his manoeuvre before six in the morning; he protested that in another hour the greatest part of its effect would be produced. Napoleon, impatient of contradiction, sharply replied with this exclamation, "Ah! you are always for turning the enemy; it is too dangerous a manoeuvre!"

Nay, with the utmost warmth of friendship, he undertook to wait upon Trapwell, and endeavour to soften him into some reasonable terms of composition.

So two noted old Powahs from Wauhktukook, on the great river Connecticut, were sent for to discover the murderers. Then these poor heathen got together in a great wigwam, where the old wizards undertook, by their spells and incantations, to consult the invisible powers in the matter.

"You never failed yet, Tom Swift, in anything you undertook, and you're not going to now." "Well, that's good of you to say, Ned, but I think you're wrong this time. But I'm not going to think any more about it to-night, anyhow. Now to find Koku and put him on watch." The giant listened carefully to Tom's simple instructions.

It was a thousand miles in a birch bark canoe rowed by half-clad Indians, and the route was through a dense forest and over great waters swept by the September storms, but this brave woman undertook the journey attended by only a single female companion.

That is because the attendant is supposed to be always within call, and it is so much easier to shout than to get up and ring the bell. In the good old times all this was quite natural. The well-born Russian had commonly a superabundance of domestic serfs, and there was no reason why one or two of them should not accompany their master when his Honour undertook a journey.

About the end of the American war, an individual named John Aitken, or John the Painter, undertook to set the dockyard on fire, and in some degree accomplished his purpose. He had no accomplice, and to support himself committed solitary robberies. Being discovered, he long hung in chains near the outward fortifications. There is little credit in gathering the name of a disabled invalid.

He undertook all of undertaking continuing all except that which was undertaken by some one giving him what they should have given him. He was continuing. It is very likely that a way to be in play is to say that a beard which is in the mouth is not eaten.

He succeeded where others failed, because so few could help liking him; and if he failed but seldom in anything he undertook, that was probably due in part to the fact that he never thought and never spoke of failure, preferring always as topics more cheerful matters.