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The collection was completed with the assistance of Theodore Beza, the great theologian, and the demand for the books was so great that the printers could not supply them quickly enough. Ten thousand copies were sold at once, a vast number for the times. But Marot was not happy in Geneva with Calvin and the Calvinists, as we can well understand. He lived less than a year, however, dying in 1544.

Among those in very remote times who are said to have died of the lousy disease was Akastus the son of Pelias; and in more recent times, Alkman the lyric poet, Pherekydes the theologian, Kallisthenes of Olynthus, while he was in prison, and Mucius the lawyer.

Instead of showing scientifically that man has a soul, and thus cheering their drooping spirits, he leaves the platform, mounts the pulpit, and plays the part of a theologian. In fact he can tell them no more than the ordinary parson who sticks his nose between the pages of his Bible.

Downcast of countenance he wends his way along the fashionable side of King-street. The young theologian is at his side. George Mullholland has gone to the house of Madame Flamingo. He will announce the glad news to Anna.

Shortly after, he had freed Erasmus from imprisonment and sent him, in charge of one of the Council's halberdiers, beyond the gate. He was to remain concealed outside the city until the syndic recalled him. The young theologian willingly submitted, after confessing to his foster- father how strongly love for Barbara had taken possession of him.

Shocked at Calvin's harsh doctrines, he embraced Arminianism; then, abandoned it. More a lawyer than a theologian, more a polite scholar than a philosopher, he throws the doctrine of the immortality of the soul into obscurity.

Once more, perhaps, the dogmatic theologian will pull me up sharply and say that I am misrepresenting him, but I think I am on fairly safe ground in declaring that this is what the ordinary man in the pew as well as the man in the street understands by the saving work of Jesus, and he does so because of the language of the pulpit backed by the theological college preceptor.

But to this argument a theologian may not unreasonably object, that this terminal phase differs from all the previous phases in one all-important feature viz., in effecting a total abolition of the anthropomorphic element.

Paul's, acquired very high literary rank by work on Dante, Anselm, Spenser, and other subjects, leaving also the best though unfortunately an incomplete history of the Movement itself; while the two Mozleys, the one a considerable theologian, the other an active journalist, brothers-in-law of Newman, also deserve mention.

"Well, don't you think your Father in heaven would say the same?" "Maybe he micht, sir. But ye see my father was my ain father, and wad mak' the best o' me." "And is not God kinder than your father?" "He canna weel be that, sir. And there's the Scripter!" "But he sent his only Son to die for us." "Ay for the eleck, sir," returned the little theologian.