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And there are other things in Tarascon for its Tartarins to be proud of, besides the noble old castle where King René used to spend his springs and summers when he was tired of living in state at Aix. There is the church of Saint Martha, and the beautiful Hotel de Ville, and almost best of all for its quaintness, though far from beautiful the great Tarasque lurking in a dark and secret lair.

You will be aware, for a start, that everyone in these parts is a hunter. From the highest to the lowest hunting is a passion with the Tarasconais and has been ever since the legendary Tarasque prowled in the marshes near the town and was hunted down by the citizens.

With like originality, it substitutes for the somewhat commonplace Lernaean hydra all the local dragons of our national legends the gargoyle of Rouen, the gra-ouilli of Metz, the chair sallée of Troyes, the drée of Montlhéry, the tarasque of Tarascon monsters of forms so diverse, whose outlandish names are an additional attribute.

Martha we saw a relic of the barbarism of the dark ages, in the shape of a grotesque representation of a dragon, called the Tarasque. This image is formed of wood, rudely painted in gandy colours.

That dear verger wouldn't realize that there could be anything of more importance in the world than the statue of Ste. Martha and the Tarasque." "Nothing is, really," said Mr. Dane, glancing up from some dentist-looking work he was doing in the Aigle's mouth under her lifted bonnet. "But you are a little late " "Oh!" I gasped, pink with horror.

It was indeed lovely when the postillion cracked his whip to the tune of 'Lagadigadeou, the Tarasque! the Tarasque! and the guard, his horn in its sling and laced cap cocked well over one ear, chucking his little dog, always in a fury, upon the top, climbed up himself with a shout: 'Right-away!

Position of Tarascon and Beaucaire opposite each other Church of S. Martha Crypt Ancient paintings Catechising Ancient altar The festival of the Tarasque The Phoenician goddess Martha Story of S. Fronto Discussion at dejeuner over the entry of M. Carnot into Marseilles The change in the French character Pessimism Beaucaire Font Castle Siege by Raymond VII. Story of Aucassin and Nicolette.

In the first place you must know that everybody is shooting mad in these parts, from the greatest to the least. The chase is the local craze, and so it has ever been since the mythological times when the Tarasque, as the county dragon was called, flourished himself and his tail in the town marshes, and entertained shooting parties got up against him.

In all probability this crypt was originally the baptistery of the first basilica erected in Tarascon. The castle of King Rene is wonderfully picturesque on the landside. It was begun in 1400; he is said to have instituted the festival of the Tarasque, that used to be conducted with great merriment annually on July 29th.

For a moment they thought that the Tarasque had returned. Tartarin reassured his fellow citizens, "It is my camel" He said, and already under the influence of the Tarascon sun, that fine sun which induces fanciful exaggeration, he stroked the camel's hump and added, "It is a noble creature, it saw me kill all my lions."