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"I attend meetings, I listen to reports, I sit on boards But what comes of it all! Trained nurses and paid workers do all the actual work " "But mother, dear, a great deal will come of it all," Cornelia was mildly reproachful. "You couldn't inspect babies and do nursing yourself, dear! Investigating and tabulating and reporting are very difficult things to do!"

That, in these days of adding and tabulating machines, accounting in most stores is still done by cheap hand labor, is a statement which strains credulity. Merely from the standpoint of business economy it seems absurd. But it is a fact easily verified. I tested it by obtaining employment in the auditing department of one of the largest and most respectable stores in New York.

When they privately assured Presson that they would be found on the right side just the same after election, he took heart for a moment, and then was downcast after they were gone; it was tabulating liars an uncertain job. Presson listened and took what courage he could, but the asterisks in his lists confessed his doubts.

I understand there is a checking or tabulating machine made for such purposes. But perhaps I am keeping you from " "You are merely keeping me from ordering another portion of liquid refreshment," interrupted the colonel with a smile. "Boy!" And once again there was diffused the aroma of mint and the more pronounced odor of the Scotch.

He was saying little, seeing much, not yet coordinating or tabulating, but grimly bolting every morsel of enlightenment. Later, he would digest; now, he only gorged. Before he could hope to benefit by the advanced instruction of the life -classes, he must toil and sweat over the primer stages of drawing.

As a whole, the men were fairly satisfactory. Bill stared coldly down the table, and appeared to be mentally tabulating those who would draw but one pay-check, and that when their "time" was given them, but Dick's mind persisted in wandering afield to the chance encounter of the morning.

Of course, these events cast a cloud over the fortunes of the Southern Court, but its adherents did not abate their activities. Everywhere they mustered in greater or less force. The clearest conception of their strength may be obtained by tabulating the names of their families and of the latter's localities: FAMILIES PROVINCES Kitabatake Mutsu and Ise Nitta Musashi, Shimotsuke, Echizen

Population schedules in the cities and large towns were required to be completed within two weeks and in the rural districts within thirty days. The enormous labor of tabulating and classifying these answers was then begun by the 3,500 clerks in the Census Office at Washington. Much of this labor was performed by machines each capable of making 25,000 tabulations a day.

In fact Inishbawn, if that's its name, doesn't look a very good place for sponges." "Oh, you still stick to those sponges?" said Priscilla. "Miss Rutherford," said Frank, "is collecting zoophytes for the British Museum." "Investigating and tabulating," said Miss Rutherford, "for the Royal Dublin Society's Natural History Survey."

"There never yet was a feller born with a silver spoon in his mouth that didn't want to put it in every other feller's puddin'. . . . I was goin' to buy a can or two of condensed milk and a slab of bacon and a sack of flour and a bean or two and a little 'baccy, and a few things about like that." "All right," said the blacksmith, tabulating all these items on his fingers.