United States or Hungary ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Population schedules in the cities and large towns were required to be completed within two weeks and in the rural districts within thirty days. The enormous labor of tabulating and classifying these answers was then begun by the 3,500 clerks in the Census Office at Washington. Much of this labor was performed by machines each capable of making 25,000 tabulations a day.

All communication with the Ukraine is cut off, and three ships have been sunk in the Bosphorus so cleverly that our grain ships in the Black Sea are isolated." "That's bad," said Beale. He walked to the table. It was littered with maps and charts and printed tabulations. McNorton got up and joined them. "I have just had a 'phone message through from the Yard," he said.

Against the laborious tabulations of the apologists of capitalism we may adduce, as far superior and more convincing evidence of the economic tendency of the American people during the latter part of the nineteenth century, such signs of the times as the growth of beggary and vagabondage to Old World proportions, the embittered revolts of the wage-earners which kept up a constant industrial war, and finally the condition of bankruptcy into which the farming population was sinking."

The only market grade, in fact, for which basic price tabulations can be made with any confidence is that of young male prime field hands, for these alone may usually be discriminated even when ages and qualities are not specified. The method here is to select in the group of bills for any time and place such maximum quotations for males as occur with any notable degree of frequency.

Her brain was becoming a mere receptacle for dates and definitions, vocabularies and rules syntactic, for thrice-boiled essence of history, ragged scraps of science, quotations at fifth hand, and all the heterogeneous rubbish of a "crammer's" shop. When away from her books, she carried scraps of paper, with jottings to be committed to memory. Beside her plate at meals lay formulae and tabulations.

The tabulations and statistics only needed copying to prepare them for the capitalist's eye. The information necessary to the understanding of them reposed in a grimy notebook, requiring merely throwing into shape as a letter to make them valuable to the Eastern owner of the property. Anybody could do that. Old Mizzou explained these things to Bennington.

Again came the careful washing, the jealous herding of the golden specks, and the wantonness with which he sent them flying into the stream. "Five," he muttered, and repeated, "five." He could not forbear another survey of the hill before filling the pan farther down the stream. His golden herds diminished. "Four, three, two, two, one," were his memory tabulations as he moved down the stream.

When away from her books, she carried scraps of paper, with jottings to be committed to memory. Beside her plate at meals lay formulae and tabulations. She went to bed with a manual and got up with a compendium. Nancy, whose pursuit of 'culture' followed a less exhausting track, regarded the girl with a little envy and some compassion.

He ran over every item of the tabulations rapidly, and, apparently without any calculation whatever, would check off errors as fast as he came to them, saying: 'You have made a mistake; try this one over. In every case the second test proved that he was right.

"Good morning," he said formally, and that was all. Plant led the way into his office, thrust forward a chair, waved a comprehensive hand toward the filing cases, over the bill files, at the tabulated reports laid out on the desk. "Go to it," said he cheerfully. "Have a cigar! Everything's all ready." Thorne laid aside his broad hat, and at once with keen concentration attacked the tabulations.