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Updated: August 21, 2024

The egg hanging from the ceiling, at a distance from the provisions, has naught to fear from the caterpillars, which flounder about below. The new-hatched larva, whose suspensory cord is lengthened by the sheath of the egg, reaches the game and takes a first cautious bite at it. If there be danger, it climbs back to the ceiling by retreating inside the scabbard.

The suspensory indentations soon outline a crater which needs plugging. The Spider closes the bag with a padded stopper similar to that with which she sealed the egg-pocket. When these arrangements are made, the real manufacture of the wrapper begins. The Spider goes backwards and forwards, turns and turns again. The spinnerets do not touch the fabric.

Then, without further delay, the coat which it wears for this rough piece of work begins to split, and the larva skins itself, coming out of its wrappings head first. It is then the normal larva; the only form known to Réaumur. The rejected coat forms a suspensory thread, expanding at its free end to form a little cup.

By causing the subject to stand on the affected member, one may outline the course of the flexor tendons by palpation, and in this way recognize any lack of tenseness or contraction of tendons or of the suspensory ligament. And finally, contraction of the suspensory ligament is of rare occurrence.

When these fibers contract, they draw forwards the attachment of the suspensory ligament of the lens, the pressure of which on the lens is consequently diminished. The elasticity of the lens causes it at once to bulge forwards, and it becomes more convex. The ciliary muscle is thus known as the muscle of accommodation, because it has the power to accommodate the eye to near and distant objects.

Although my constitution is shattered by previous excesses, at the risk of my life I liquidate the suspensory condition." With these words he crushed the nine remaining tarts into his mouth, and swallowed them at a single movement each. Then, turning to the commissionaires, he gave them a couple of sovereigns. "I have to thank you," said be, "for your extraordinary patience."

In the center house was the machine which drove the suspensory helices, in that forward was the machine that drove the bow screw, in that aft was the machine that drove the stern screw.

They ran as follows: "Will you please send me at once a pair of lady's silk spiral thigh-hose, without feet, such as I had from you last year; length, thigh to knee, etc." Or, "Major Chamberlain wishes to repeat his previous order for a silk non-elastic suspensory bandage." Many of these letters, some of them in French or Norwegian, were a great puzzle to the boy.

The flexor tendons also, in contracting, exert strain upon the inter-sesamoidean ligament, which has a similar effect upon the sesamoid bones as that which is produced by the suspensory ligament. The condition occurs quite frequently, and because of the important function performed by these bones, active inflammation of the sesamoids constitutes a serious affection.

Frequently, these structures are divided as the result of wounds; but rupture, due to strain, is not frequent. From Amer. J'n'l. Vet. Med., Vol. In some cases in running horses, or in animals that are put to strenuous performances, such as are jumpers, rupture of tendons or of the suspensory ligament takes place.

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