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Updated: August 1, 2024

Sometimes when I've been reading a bit, coming along the downs all by myself like, I've seen somebody in the distance; and I've said to myself, "Well, now, if that was only to turn out to be that black-a-vised Ayrshire ploughman, it would be all over with me; it would be 'Whistle and I'll come to ye, my lad." And then some shambling fellow of a labourer has come along, straw-haired, bent-backed, twisted-kneed, and scarcely enough spirit in him to say, "Marnin t' ye good marnin t' ye, wench!"

Thus it came about that for a long, long dragging day, and the beginning of a second, the gunpowder had intermittently burned, and that more than intermittently, all but continuously, the red liquor had flowed; to the alternate aggrandisement of Red Jenkins and his straw-haired Norwegian rival across the street Gus Ericson.

George's impatient and glowering meditations the hour was then near four were broken in upon by several interruptions, which came on him in quick succession, as though detonated by brief-interval time-fuses. The first was the entrance of that straw-haired misspeller of his letters who had succeeded Betty Sheridan as guardian of the outer office. "Mr. Doolittle is here," she announced.

My front-door is beaten in and broken down suddenly. I see nothing outside, except a sort of smiling, straw-haired commercial traveller with a notebook open, who says, "Excuse me, I am a faultless being, I have persuaded Poland; I can count on my respectful Allies in Alsace. I am simply loved in Lorraine.

But perhaps it was the straw-haired successor of Betty Sheridan who really prevented George from plunging after his partner. "You ordered the Sentinel sent up as soon as it was out," she said. "Here are six copies." George seized the ink-damp papers, and as the straw-haired one walked out in rubber-heeled silence he turned savagely upon his campaign manager. "Well, Doolittle?" he demanded.

This to a big, stoop-shouldered young giant in the fore, blue-eyed, straw-haired, northern-looking. "Step out this way, Sandy! And step lively." The northerner shrugged and looked belligerent. Steve moistened his lips. "You can't bluff me " began the northerner. And Steve knew that, having gone this far, he could not stop at bluffing. And he knew that he must not seem to hesitate.

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